Cant get my serial LCD to work
Hello all!
Just got my first personal basic stamp2 the other day and decided to get a lcd display for my projects. The best price I found was for one just like this:
I know its is for a arduino and not a basic stamp, but it should work right?
I have tried everything I can think to try and have not gotten a thing to display on it. And yes, I have used a LCD and a basic stamp before, but just cant get this one working.
Does anyone have any insight as to why this one doesn't work?
I contacted the seller and they aren't replying yet.
Just got my first personal basic stamp2 the other day and decided to get a lcd display for my projects. The best price I found was for one just like this:
I know its is for a arduino and not a basic stamp, but it should work right?
I have tried everything I can think to try and have not gotten a thing to display on it. And yes, I have used a LCD and a basic stamp before, but just cant get this one working.
Does anyone have any insight as to why this one doesn't work?
I contacted the seller and they aren't replying yet.
I have tried several code segments I've found while googleing on it, but something like this I think should work. I've also tried several baud rates, but I know its 9600 from the listing, just not sure what parity (tried all choices).
serout 1,84, [tried everything from 0-100 trying to start and clear and stuff]
pause 10
serout 1,84, ["Test",cr]
Note, I don't have pbasic on this computer so thats from memory but I've tried a dozen different things all with exactly the same result, nothing...
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
x CON 84 'baud rate
SEROUT 1,x,["$GO 1 1",CR]
SEROUT 1,x,["$PRINT Flamingo**EDA",CR]
SEROUT 1,x,["$GO 2 4",CR]
SEROUT 1,x,["$PRINT Hello World!",CR]
SEROUT 1,x,["$CURSOR 1 1",CR]
When I run this code, I get nothing. I tried the different 9600 baud settings and both the yellow and the white wires.
I took the ,cr out and it still does nothing.
How do I hook the receive line up also? Just run it to ground?
try: x CON 16484 'baud rate
The "emartee" page constitutes the documentation for the unit?
It states that comms to the arduino unit begin with "$" and end with "rn" (romeo november), but I don't see any "rn" in the example instructions.
Oh, well; save a little, spend a lot. Maybe emartee will get back to you.
Since you are new to working with the Basic Stamps, try a known to work project and then experiment. The LCD appears to be a standard 16x2 Parallel type LCD. If the Arduino serial adapter can be unplugged, try running the LCD in 4-bit parallel mode. Parallax has code on their website that will get you going and then you can start experimenting from there.
At least you can confirm that the LCD works.
It's always good to start with a well documented project.
Parallax also does have code for their serial LCDs as well but I don't know if they are compatible with the Arduino adapter.
Also, here is a link to an eBay seller's listing for a good 16x2 LCD for $4 bucks and a buck fifty for shipping. He has a link to code that I know works (I sent him the code along with a drawing for the connections) for a 16x2 LCD running in 4-bit parallel mode. He's a good seller and ships quickly.
Hope this helps,
[Hoping the OP sees this in time to take advantage.],ProductName
Does your display have DIP switch settings???
Link to new serial adapter:
What I should have gotten I guess: