can the prop be cascaded to control thousands of LEDs?

This is a question especially @Timothy (BrillDea)
Could the prop be cascaded to control such an amount of LEDs?
Smack Nightclub - LED Room
best regards
Could the prop be cascaded to control such an amount of LEDs?
Smack Nightclub - LED Room
best regards
Bigger issues include power management and signal distribution in the presence of high noise levels (from the LED power switching). Remember that, if you're using ordinary LEDs, you're already talking about possibly switching 20A at KHz rates
It is looking to be at least six months before I can openly show it off. It kind of stinks that most of my work I can't talk about. That makes things difficult as a freelancer. At least this one I'll eventually be able to show off though. A lot of my stuff I can never talk about...
and, no NDA... Showed it off at UPEW.
Here's a previous post about it:
NDA's can also be used by the little guy if he wants to show his stuff to a company before patenting etc.
In practise an NDA just means they can sue you if you disclose, if the product is defunct or the business is shut no one is likely to care (sue you).
I just found this thread while looking at the feasibility of building my own 72"x192" LED billboard. At 1" spacing, that would put me at around 14000 LEDs. Are you allowed to talk about the project, yet? If so, I would love to get some information about it. To buy a display this size is upwards of $20,000+ USD, but I figure I could build one for closer to a quarter of that price.
Thanks in advance,
Doug Anderson
What resolution is the VGA source (640 x 480, 800 x 600 .... ?). Pity you can't disclose the code as I have been mucking around with VGA capture to RGB with no success yet! Actually VGA capture via frame buffer ($$$) then decimating to smaller resolution.
Would you breach the NDA if you gave some hints???????
this a little different issue,
but I found this
and think thats not too far from the thread
But a project I did which latched up to 256 LEDs used 5 AMPS just for the LEDs, and over 1000 points to solder.
If you use matrix displays then the process of raster scanning them all makes them dimmer as the area gets larger and their duty cycle gets smaller.
edit: to add...
Smack's LED array seems to be matrix, which I determined by seeing flicker in some of its effects but not others.
The effect that makes the room look like cubes for example can be done without scanning the matrix but instead leaving on
some rows and columns.
And so, if they have , lets say 10,000 LEDs in their matrix, they only need 200 pins (for 100H+100V pixels) to drive it.
Sorry, misread your post. Thought you meant output resolution.
That chip is meant for doing large displays, like LED billboards, and can be communicated with at up to 30MHz.
I just calculated that's 9,216 LEDS from 1 Prop...