Change to 'Bios' will make for PCs that boot in seconds
Change to 'Bios' will make for PCs that boot in seconds
What took them so long?
What took them so long?
Booting a simple OS like DOS from a hard drive (not a floppy) is very speedy - Windows, not so much...
System Boot Sequence
Initially you might think that off legacy keyboard support would fix things. It will, but that can make the USB keyboard useless in the BIOS configuration menu. I've saved an old PS/2 keyboard for just such a situation, but it can be nasty if you don't have one.
So fixing the legacy device mess is a good idea.
ahead of the curve?
"Change to 'Bios' will make for PCs that boot in seconds"
Actor 1: "Hi, I'm a Mac."
(A long pause...)
Actor 2: (Speaking three octaves lower, eyes rolled into back of head.) "Annnnd.... I'mmmmmm.........
(Total elapsed commercial time: 20 minutes, 56 seconds but with a hard freeze and a pixelated BSOD at the finish.)
I cannot help wondering why it has taken so long to address the boot time issue, and now that we have sd cards with 32 and 64 gig capacities why do we not have an sd slot on the motherboard for the operating system and major apps to load from.
Nothing. And the article is largely wrong, given the fact that there's been an available open source method besides the methods that the OLTP systems wear.
See for details.:smhair: