New Mother board caused PST Problems
Had a crash (power supply exploded)
Installed a new motherboard
Running Windows 2000
Now PST does not communicate with Prop program
Are there some BIOS settings that have to be reset?
PST window appears when requested
Can enable and disable fine
Cannot output to PST screen, stays blank.
Program used to work just fine
Installed a new motherboard
Running Windows 2000
Now PST does not communicate with Prop program
Are there some BIOS settings that have to be reset?
PST window appears when requested
Can enable and disable fine
Cannot output to PST screen, stays blank.
Program used to work just fine
I am using a Parallax Prof Dev Board
PST window says it is using Com5
I reset all to defaults to make it like new
Downloads program and executes just fine.
Will not run demo programs from Parallax either
I will post again when I find out what causes this.
Anyway if it now works no problem.. just don't touch anything!!! :-)
Once in a while the PST starts working (but there are problems still).
No solid solution yet.
Not even close!
get a live distro iso, and either burn a CD o create a bootable pen using this:
Here is what happened and what it took to fix it.
Before the cash:
I was reading 4 potentiometers as a part of what I needed.
After the crash:
I upped that to 6 pots because I needed more variables that I could manipulate in real time for what I was playing with. (DC servo motor/encoder control tuning)
Though this was the only change to the program, this small change increased to load on
the system enough that it could not support PST along with the rest of the load.
I caught it because there was the slightest dimming of the power LED on the development board during the potentiometer read cycle. I looked there because the PWM signal on the oscilloscope was indicating a slight drop on the pulse height every now and then. This was not supposed to be happening! So...
Changed to a power supply (wall wart) providing more amps and that fixed it. It took just about a week of pulling my hair out! I tend not to give up but it was getting pretty darned frustrating on this one.
While personal experience (and pain) is usually more persistent in my brain, learning from others is still a great value.