How many characters can a FSRW file name be?
I've been trying to get FSRW to create file names longer than 8 characters but it's just not happening. Is there something inherent to FSRW that prevents me from doing this?
I know the comments in FSRW say it doesn't support long file names, but what exactly does "long" mean in this case?
I've been trying to get FSRW to create file names longer than 8 characters but it's just not happening. Is there something inherent to FSRW that prevents me from doing this?
I know the comments in FSRW say it doesn't support long file names, but what exactly does "long" mean in this case?

Okay, maybe that explains it. By 8.3, do you mean 8 characters, a period, then a suffix like csv?
For example, FSRW can do "Project1.csv" but it can't do something like Project12xyz ?
I've been trying to make FSRW write files names like Project12xyz, with the intent of tacking on a .csv suffix after I download the files onto my computer. Could that be my problem?
Thanks, Rav, that explains everything. Big bummer about the cutoff phenomenon.
That figures.
Aren't they the ones that also hold all the patents to the inescapable BSOD?
It can be implemented as a "wrapper" around the FAT file system, just so long as one does not use the Microsoft hash methodology.