--my stove is pure mechanical and wouldn't care if it blew me up--
I like it better that way.
and if it Frags your SOL but so is everyone else around you .
"tsar bomba " anyone ??
Update ::::
I fixed the De-fog issue with a better system to clean the visor and I am adding a "chemlight" pocket to it for visibilty .. some time I need to intergrate a better audio mix system to let me have Audio I/O and a system to mute Ipod with a phone call ( ducking) and the same if there is a person whom wants to talk to me
duel LM 386 Intercom is on order I think ..
I also need to make a better Comms carrier .
I did how ever install a Backup batt system.
the backup packis 3 LiPoly cells at 1.9 AH total at 10.8 V total . there recharable but I am useug them as a semi one time .not for day to day use .. there imbeeded in to the helemt to be safe but reliable backup for the FAN only . the pack is for life not comfort..
Now I know 180 W is a oven but this is where the stamp can shine !
I can set a MAX val it will never go over .
Never? Well, I sure hope you're putting some fuses on these things and a quick way to disconnect it. If you have a software bug, you don't want to get fried alive in your suit or have it catch on fire.
believe me there will be more fuses and cut outs then in a 747 .
on the heating core a 130* coffee maker cut out ( one time )
a 8 A fuse . so if Mr PWM Mosfet is stuck on high for more then a few sec it will blow .
and there is a master Estop on teh suit areddy.. the cord from the batt pack .
the only part In the suit besides me that can melt easy is the Vinil Visor .
My main worry is if it usess a PTC Core . It it does then It will attemt to reg it self and make the PWM Stamp unhappy with the feed back loop .
Mind I may never use the Heater Idea cause so far My system I have installed is more then enough ..
Right now I lack the motavation to write the full BS2 code to run it .
so its on simple fan PWM ..
One of thease days Ill need to put on a pot of coffee and put my code idea to life .
I need a BS2 .
Serial P-lax LCD.
The heater.
and some code ..
I have not added any fancy MCU to make it display or control anything but I may never need to .
I just don't have the time or funds right now with college in full swing ..
just as it is 'fan on "I am reading a inside temp of 60 to 70 *F while its -10 outside .
and Iam comfy ! VERY comfy
this to me is a complete success .. VIDEO in HD
It WILL gain a parallax brain this weekend !
Cause the Blower now draws to much current as its a HUGE blower . but I wanted a big one so I can flush the suit if need be .
but it needs to now be PWM'ed to a resonable normal run speed so a BS1 may be a ticket to ride ..
and if it Frags your SOL but so is everyone else around you .
"tsar bomba " anyone ??
Update ::::
I fixed the De-fog issue with a better system to clean the visor and I am adding a "chemlight" pocket to it for visibilty .. some time I need to intergrate a better audio mix system to let me have Audio I/O and a system to mute Ipod with a phone call ( ducking) and the same if there is a person whom wants to talk to me
duel LM 386 Intercom is on order I think ..
I also need to make a better Comms carrier .
I did how ever install a Backup batt system.
the backup packis 3 LiPoly cells at 1.9 AH total at 10.8 V total . there recharable but I am useug them as a semi one time .not for day to day use .. there imbeeded in to the helemt to be safe but reliable backup for the FAN only . the pack is for life not comfort..
CAR HEATER !! whoohoo ! the 180 watt sucker I saw at here
http://www.amazon.com/ThermTec-Road-Worthy-Portable-Heater/dp/B000BU7BG0 with some serious down clocking might do the job . I reckon it will fit the top of the helmet just right too. Ill need to mod the case ..
Now I know 180 W is a oven but this is where the stamp can shine !
I can set a MAX val it will never go over .
Loads of PWM to cut that sucker back .way back Max of maby 20W or less well see .
but Il be keepin the fan on full tilt .
now to find some $$$ for it ..
Never? Well, I sure hope you're putting some fuses on these things and a quick way to disconnect it. If you have a software bug, you don't want to get fried alive in your suit or have it catch on fire.
on the heating core a 130* coffee maker cut out ( one time )
a 8 A fuse . so if Mr PWM Mosfet is stuck on high for more then a few sec it will blow .
and there is a master Estop on teh suit areddy.. the cord from the batt pack .
the only part In the suit besides me that can melt easy is the Vinil Visor .
My main worry is if it usess a PTC Core . It it does then It will attemt to reg it self and make the PWM Stamp unhappy with the feed back loop .
Mind I may never use the Heater Idea cause so far My system I have installed is more then enough ..
Right now I lack the motavation to write the full BS2 code to run it .
so its on simple fan PWM ..
One of thease days Ill need to put on a pot of coffee and put my code idea to life .
I need a BS2 .
Serial P-lax LCD.
The heater.
and some code ..
I have not added any fancy MCU to make it display or control anything but I may never need to .
I just don't have the time or funds right now with college in full swing ..
just as it is 'fan on "I am reading a inside temp of 60 to 70 *F while its -10 outside .
and Iam comfy ! VERY comfy
this to me is a complete success ..
Dave G
It WILL gain a parallax brain this weekend !
Cause the Blower now draws to much current as its a HUGE blower . but I wanted a big one so I can flush the suit if need be .
but it needs to now be PWM'ed to a resonable normal run speed so a BS1 may be a ticket to ride ..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHeLQ04lGsM Video
Its On it way to Ken today !