Is there anyone that has the Propeller Platform from Gadget Gangster in a Eagle PCB file rather than ExpressPCB? I want to use another source to make the PCB. Thanks!
I could be wrong, but I don't believe anyone has created the Propeller Platform layout in anything other than ExpressPCB. Depending on your desires, though, you could download the free version of DipTrace and modify one of the other Gadget Gangster Propeller Platform boards that have DipTrace files available such as the PP-SD and PP-USB. Those both utilize the QFP package Propeller, but you could change the design to use the DIP40 version.
Here are templates in Eagle, DipTrace, & ExpressPCB and some additional design considerations.
The original propeller platform was done in ExpressPCB, the USB is done in DipTrace. DipTrace will export to pads, not sure if that can be imported to eagle, though.
Here are templates in Eagle, DipTrace, & ExpressPCB and some additional design considerations.
The original propeller platform was done in ExpressPCB, the USB is done in DipTrace. DipTrace will export to pads, not sure if that can be imported to eagle, though.
Hope it helps!