Large 7 segment display
Posts: 54
I want to make a large 7 segment display,( aprox 2 inch high). I plan six leds per segment. Should they be arranged series or parallel?
Any ideas on how to drive the display? Once this section is built ,I would use a stamp to display various numbers,,ie position of a pot etc,
To display a "pot, position ,could i not do away with the stamp a together?
Any ideas on how to drive the display? Once this section is built ,I would use a stamp to display various numbers,,ie position of a pot etc,
To display a "pot, position ,could i not do away with the stamp a together?
This thread is being moved from the Stamps in Class forum to the BASIC Stamp forum, as it is sure to get more responses there.
-- Jessica
Has any of you seen these new strips of white led ribbions,,they have 3 leds in series..then parallel ,and come aprx 15 feet long.
But from what i have seen, they run very hot,,,I believe the heat is coming mostly from the resistor,,,why don't they just put more(say 7leds in series for 12 V sys) in series and get rid of the inline resistor all together?
Thanks 4YR.
The series resistor limits the current to whatever the LEDs are designed to handle. The resistor drops any additional voltage according to Ohm's Law.
For a string of 3 LEDs and a 6V supply, the resistor needs to drop 6V - (3 x 1.7V) = 0.9V. If the LEDs are designed to operate at 20mA maximum and you want them to work at that current, you need a resistor of 0.9V / 0.02A = 45 Ohms. The nearest standard value is 47 Ohms.
There is a chart at that gives you the foreward voltage for most LEDs. Who knew just lighting a crummy LED could get so complicated?
Now I have the load figured to apro 30 Ma. And I want to use a 74ls47 bcd to 7 seg decoder,,but it sinks( open collector op I believed its called)..So if i pick a transistor,,it must be PNP,correct?
Next qustion is what spec should i be looking at to pick a transistor. Ie I want to go with a 5 amp tip 125 or 3 amp tip30B or a 600Ma pn2222 (in a pnp equal) What spec do I use to decide Ie,,,,whats the danger of using TOO large a transistor?
Will it NOT saturate,,,will i need to try one and test it C-E voltage to see if its saturated enought?...What voltage limit ,,( 12 volt system) should I then say,,,its not in saturation?
I only have npn transistors,is there a solution to use them with a 74ls47?
I have a few p channel IRF9540 mosfets,but I have no experience with them, and would like to stay with transistors,unless someone could guide me in that direction. Thanks
Should there be a resistor between the two components?
many thanks,I know this is basic stuff but I used the max chip with multiplexing and found adding the mosfets etc to add to that circuit (to drive large displays too complicated)..
If you are only use the transistor to ground your LEDs a 2N2222 can sink 800 milliamps and would need a 5.6K resistor for the base. I was going to get a breadboard out and see if I made a mistake calculating the resistor but my wife says it is getting late and I have to quit playing and come to bed. If you want to learn more about basic electronics try going here:
Also let me know what voltage you are using and how your LEDs are lined up.
The leds will be 3 in series with 330 ohm R..paralleled to another like wise. Thanks
Does anyone know if the max 7219 chip has been discontinued,,,and/or if there is a better chip available now?