Prototyping Membrane Keys
When cleaning out a lab for one of my clients, I came across this neat Membrane switch PCB. I have done some searching, but have not found anything on the inetrnet.
Was wondering if anyone knows where this material can be found?
My client said you used to be able to but this in a large PCB. To use you simply cut out a grid of buttons and just solder to the back side and label the front and have a membrane keypad.
Was wondering if anyone knows where this material can be found?
My client said you used to be able to but this in a large PCB. To use you simply cut out a grid of buttons and just solder to the back side and label the front and have a membrane keypad.
I suspect these are another product that just faded away as commerce marched on. In general with technology you have to have people buy 10,000 units at a time to make any real money. Hobbyist never want more than a dozen and rarely more than 3 at a time.
These days I am fearing radial resistors may one day just not be around. And I am wondering whatever happened to a simple coffee pot as well.
Do you remember those big tuning capacitors inside radios that used air for insulation and a 'tank circuit' for tuning. It is all done in solid-state now.
Actually, you can still get them, but there's only one manufacturer left.
I know this because of the P.A.R.I.S (Paper Aeroplane Released Into Space) project at The Register.