A serious gizmo

What every boy has dreamed of - his very own missile gyro.
I wonder if they would be will to ship to Taiwan?
I wonder if they would be will to ship to Taiwan?
I dunno LB. However its certainly easier to use then the two gyros I have here from a different firm.
Those were purely electromechanical and definitely required AC at 400hz for power. I even managed to get some sort of response from Honeywell regarding the two not too long ago. Wasn't quite what I expected, they did confirm the age of the two, and so forth but that was all.
That one, if I understand the page correctly was originally designed sometime within the past twenty years, and the circuit they describe for driving it, was also based within the time period.
I would love to obtain the thing, and see how any of the devices I have living here, would respond to it. If I do buy it, I shall certainly post an appropriate explanation regarding the thing.:jumpin:
Now the oddball question, how'd you find out about it?
I did download the schematic, but am wondering if 400Hz AC is required AND if that is the whole purpose of the schematic. Either way, documentation is a bit terse. It appears that the schematic drives the gyros and it is up to you to figure out the other wires.
Probably. I just ran its model number through Google. It doesn't like that one. Only 42 entries, and the last one isn't even supposed to be there.
I think the others are the output lines.