Here is a project that I am working DS1302_Max186_Radio_Shack_Battery_Charger_Tester
The hardest part of this code is to get the clock to start based on voltage range 1.0 volts to about 1.50 volts this is still a ?mark
This is only the first part of the code for this project
I want to see if it was do able which I can see that it is do able
I have the first part of the board completed now
I have put the relay an Power Supply and 5 volt regulating board and a lot of testing and write some more code
What I am using is a Radio Shack Pulse computer controlled battery charger they once sold
Here is why I am building this timer controller is because I have a lot of Ni-cad batteries that I bought a few years ago and now I want to sell a lot of them before they go bad and can not be use and
I also have a lot of solar yard light that I repair and need a way to charge and to know if these are bad or good the way it is now I have to watch the Battery Charger while it is charging and discharging
I want something that will watch how much time has gone by where there is usable working battery voltage and ( amps are set a 1.25 amps
If you are interested in these batteries they are "A" batteries they are about the same length as a "AA" but fatter than a "AA"
I will sell one batter for $0.75 + shipping $5.00 in small Priority Small Box or best offer on 10 or more but not free only five free if you plan to buy more latter for UNTEST battery NO REFUNDS but will replace defective batteries while supply last with other battery how ever you will have to pay for them to be reshipped to you shipping $5.00 in small Priority Small Box
One battery 1@ $1.25 x how many Battery that are need Pulse $5.00 shipping that will fit in a small Priority Small Box or best offer for more than 30 battery but not less than $30.00 for 30 battery
No refund how ever if the battery Pack is bad and after I have charged and load test the pack I send you a replacement
and will pay for shipping if battery pack is bad
I will also have Tested batteries for sale in a battery packs for 6 volts and 7.2 volt and 9.6 volts and 12 volts
If you interested in any of these batteries Please send me an Email in the subject line put Batteries for sale
This is only the first part of the code for this project
I want to see if it was do able which I can see that it is do able
I have the first part of the board completed now
I have put the relay an Power Supply and 5 volt regulating board and a lot of testing and write some more code
What I am using is a Radio Shack Pulse computer controlled battery charger they once sold
Here is why I am building this timer controller is because I have a lot of Ni-cad batteries that I bought a few years ago and now I want to sell a lot of them before they go bad and can not be use and
I also have a lot of solar yard light that I repair and need a way to charge and to know if these are bad or good the way it is now I have to watch the Battery Charger while it is charging and discharging
I want something that will watch how much time has gone by where there is usable working battery voltage and ( amps are set a 1.25 amps
If you are interested in these batteries they are "A" batteries they are about the same length as a "AA" but fatter than a "AA"
I will sell one batter for $0.75 + shipping $5.00 in small Priority Small Box or best offer on 10 or more but not free only five free if you plan to buy more latter for UNTEST battery NO REFUNDS but will replace defective batteries while supply last with other battery how ever you will have to pay for them to be reshipped to you shipping $5.00 in small Priority Small Box
One battery 1@ $1.25 x how many Battery that are need Pulse $5.00 shipping that will fit in a small Priority Small Box or best offer for more than 30 battery but not less than $30.00 for 30 battery
No refund how ever if the battery Pack is bad and after I have charged and load test the pack I send you a replacement
and will pay for shipping if battery pack is bad
I will also have Tested batteries for sale in a battery packs for 6 volts and 7.2 volt and 9.6 volts and 12 volts
If you interested in any of these batteries Please send me an Email in the subject line put Batteries for sale