Using 'fsrw' documentation on interface?
Looking at fsrw I cannot determine what one needs in their Prop code to interface with fsrw.
For instance, basepin is used, but how does that get assigned? I don't see any pin definitions. Should this be a constant (such as 'basepin = 0' defined in my source using 'fsrw'?
How does one arrange beginning and end of 'file' to write to SD or read from SD? Is there assumed some sort of 'OS' which provides this info?
I feel like I have the main page missing from 'my documentation! The Spin files of fsrw don't make its use very clear. Or is it just these old eyes? I don't seem to see the 'hooks' to interface with fsrw.
For instance, basepin is used, but how does that get assigned? I don't see any pin definitions. Should this be a constant (such as 'basepin = 0' defined in my source using 'fsrw'?
How does one arrange beginning and end of 'file' to write to SD or read from SD? Is there assumed some sort of 'OS' which provides this info?
I feel like I have the main page missing from 'my documentation! The Spin files of fsrw don't make its use very clear. Or is it just these old eyes? I don't seem to see the 'hooks' to interface with fsrw.