Propeller power Stereo
I've been toying with the idea of building a stereo using the propeller to power it. I found this board on sparkfun here to use for digital fm. I also figured I would use something like this for playing audio files off of a SD card. From what I can tell neither of these will be that hard to do.
The nest part of my project that I this could be hard is that I would like to add a CD Drive and be able to play audio CDs. I was just wandering if anybody has done anything like this and how hard you think this would be. The other thing is that all of these will have different audio outputs so I will have to figure out a way choose what output to send to the amplifier. Right now this is just a thought experiment because I'm at AIT and won't be able to play with any of this until at least December.
The nest part of my project that I this could be hard is that I would like to add a CD Drive and be able to play audio CDs. I was just wandering if anybody has done anything like this and how hard you think this would be. The other thing is that all of these will have different audio outputs so I will have to figure out a way choose what output to send to the amplifier. Right now this is just a thought experiment because I'm at AIT and won't be able to play with any of this until at least December.
I recall seeing this thing advertised in Nuts & Volts a few times:
Appears to be based on an article from here: