Why do GPSs go crazy sitting still?
I was wondering if anybody knew the reason why GPS readings seem to get more erratic sitting still. I have had quite a few and they all seem to have this behavior accept for one that had SA?, it didn't display new readings if you were going below a certain speed which doesn't work well with geocaching.
I was testing a gps datalogger that I put together to see how long the batteries would last.
Sitting on my desk for six and half hours, writing a coordinate to a kml file every four seconds; its icon danced around on the map the whole time and it reported that it traveled 1.7 miles.
I was testing a gps datalogger that I put together to see how long the batteries would last.
Sitting on my desk for six and half hours, writing a coordinate to a kml file every four seconds; its icon danced around on the map the whole time and it reported that it traveled 1.7 miles.
If you're using a GPS chip/module that's intended for automotive applications, they may put some heuristics in to prevent the GPS from reporting motion/rotation when a car is stopped at a stoplight.
Many PNDs/Smartphones are incorporating accelerometers,gyros,... into their Kalman filters too.
I wanted to add stop signs and time stopped to my kml file. I am planning on using this hiking,biking, and driving, so I can't really filter out the jumping, so I too am thinking about adding an accelerometer. I am just out of cogs now and need to figure out now to slip it in.
Perhaps what you were observing was a case of jitter? The orbits that the constellation of GPS satellites are in, isn't a perfect one. The only bird in a perfect one, went silent many years ago, and is supposed to return to earth in a good many years.:smhair: