I need green text with TV.lib
Hello All:
I'm working on a video text over-lay project,(using PropBasic TV_Simple.pbas and the TV.lib files).
I was wondering if anyone has added a color option to the TV.lib file?
I really only need to change white to green for the text.I realize this is easier said than done.
Thanks in advance for help or advice!
I'm working on a video text over-lay project,(using PropBasic TV_Simple.pbas and the TV.lib files).
I was wondering if anyone has added a color option to the TV.lib file?
I really only need to change white to green for the text.I realize this is easier said than done.
Thanks in advance for help or advice!
I recently converted TV.spin ( with the help of Coley doing TV_Text.spin ) to work in PropBasic.
Hope this helps you!
Thank You very much!
This is just what I needed.:smilewinkgrin:
Glad it's helped you out!
I could still use a little help here!
I have experimented with your code and most of it changed just as I had predicted it too. "I really like the code"
I seem to have run into a limited color set-up?
I'm looking for green text with a black back-round. I can get black text with a green back-round., But not the opposite?
Is it possible to get green text with a black back-round color with "ProbBasicTV.lib." ????
I need the whole screen to be black for video over-lay.
You've done so much already, If you could just point me in the write direction!
if you look in TV_TEXT_LIB.pbas in ( if you're using Coley's latest zip on that PropBasic TV thread, then look at the "palette" section, in there you will see the values that are used for each of the palettes.
so if you wanted Green on Black for palette 0, then use something like
palette DATA $6B, $02 ' 0 green / black
hope this helps, if you need more help, just ask
Baggers you are the man!!!!...This worked perfect!
I was modifying the wrong lines of code, And I totally over-looked the palette DATA statements. This explains everything. I was really confused on how the code worked because I over-looked the DATA statements.
I have finally removed my head from the dark.cramped space that really smelled funny!
The code works great and now that I understand it,Its even easier to use.
Thanks Again
P.S. Special thanks to Coley
have fun $WMc% and welcome back from that dark place lol