Can the prop act as an analog switch??
I have an application where I need to switch 2 way radio mic's from one radio to another. I know I can use "real" analog switches but if the Prop can do the deal without any support chips that would be great. I will (want) to switch one mic to 4 radios and also switch reciever audio as well.
What do you think? (well, no, bad question, lol. Can it be done??)
MIke B.
What do you think? (well, no, bad question, lol. Can it be done??)
MIke B.
This would only work at audio levels within the 0 -> 3.3 Volts range and at resonably high impedances ie >100 Ohms or so, this would still leave you with some external hardware, even if it counts the resistors etc. Some buffering would then make the whole project better but get closer to the hardware you were hoping to avoid.
Input A >--Resistor--P0--Resistor--Output node--Resistor--P1--Resistor--< input B
To select input A, float (input) P0 and output Low (ground) P1. An attenuated Input A is present at the output node
To select input B, float (input) P1 and output Low (ground) P0. Input B is present at the output node.
You can of course mute both by outputting low to both pins. You might need to buffer the output node and made up for the lost gain
Just what do you mean by Float?
A pin can either be INPUT or OUTPUT, and EITHER HIGH or LOW.
Just asking for my own ref here.
If the pin was in OUTPUT mode then it would be nailed high or low, with an extremely low impedance.
We are used to using the pin outs as digital only, but they can be used as non-loading inputs and heavily loading outputs to audio signals, as long as the signals are biased correctly and within the 0-3.3V limits.
I haven,t done this with a Prop but I have done simular things with AVRs so it should be exactly the same.
(sorry to swear, again)
Thanks to all.
Mike B. - W4FEJ
Sing it Brother!! I agree with you. I too am old, I understand relays.. lol... I got 10 of these relays that are 5 volts "logic controlled" (ie: gates) for $5.00 and two of them fit nicely in a 20 pin wire wrap IC socket.
Mike B. - W4FEJ
Thanks for clearing that up for me...
This is something I need to know for my keyboard project.
PS:It took me for ever to find this subject and your reply! Sorry it took so long to get back to you...
There would be some extra range, before clipping, by the input protection diode. It would be best not to trouble these too much.