If I post here twice, am I entered twice?
I wouldn't think so, but I thought I'd give it a try...
this is a prize worth taking the chance at being called greedy!
Like erco but for a different reason I am not worthy of this givaway either. However, enter me anyway as I would like my vote to count towards Peter KG6LSE, as he has not yet been given the chance to enjoy the wonders of the propeller.
Everyone else, thank you for your continued participation; it is awesome to see so many people active on our giveaways, and to thank you... I have more giveaways.
Return tomorrow and I'll reach into the pile of goodies on my desk and find something excellent to giveaway.
Great MoJo here. Congrats to all winners and kudos to Parallax for "throwing us a bone" almost every week. Even I finally won a USB 'Scope last week, and I never win anything! Talk about keeping your customers happy. I don't know of any other company who go to these lengths. Sparkfun tried on "Free Day", but that fairly backfired due to server congestion and just frustrated a lot of people.
Six years ago when I was teaching a local college course, Jim Carrey (sp?) of Parallax donated 20 BS2 homework boards to my students. Ken sent me a very nice care package of CCFLs, XBee & more after I made my "Poor Cousin" robot. Parallax engineer Paul Baker came to my company to give a demo (Propeller, displays, PID Boe-Bot with a Spin Stamp, etc.) and left all the samples there.
What a tremendous example Parallax is setting for all comers here. Keep up the good work, but don't give the farm away, guys! We want you to stay profitable and be around for a good long time!
I wouldn't think so, but I thought I'd give it a try...
this is a prize worth taking the chance at being called greedy!
I've already made some space for it on my workbench.
I have been having a run of bad luck of late, I sure could use this to make my "off time" a bit more enjoyable! Count me in :-)
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Facebook was down, but now I can get all the names for the Propeller hat, good luck! Find a winner soon.
Everyone else, thank you for your continued participation; it is awesome to see so many people active on our giveaways, and to thank you... I have more giveaways.
Return tomorrow and I'll reach into the pile of goodies on my desk and find something excellent to giveaway.
and thanks to Bump for always keeping a clean desk!
Six years ago when I was teaching a local college course, Jim Carrey (sp?) of Parallax donated 20 BS2 homework boards to my students. Ken sent me a very nice care package of CCFLs, XBee & more after I made my "Poor Cousin" robot. Parallax engineer Paul Baker came to my company to give a demo (Propeller, displays, PID Boe-Bot with a Spin Stamp, etc.) and left all the samples there.
What a tremendous example Parallax is setting for all comers here. Keep up the good work, but don't give the farm away, guys! We want you to stay profitable and be around for a good long time!
Actually, I arranged that event to save Facebook the misery of the response caused by everyone who didn't win.:smilewinkgrin: