Looking for command line loader
Hello, I'm new to the propeller. I discovered it via the HYDRA game development kit which I bought in an electronics store. I am a computer programmer, but I have not done much in the area of microprocessors; so I thought it might be an interesting hobby. So far I am quite pleased with the propeller chip.
However, I am not really a fan of the software. I normally prefer command-line tools for development although I do use Visual Studio some and don't mind that. I use Windows 7. I got Homespun to work for a command-line compiler. (The link was broken in the wiki, but I managed to figure out the correct link then edit the wiki to fix it.) I am now looking for a command-line tool to load the compiled code onto the propeller.
I have found two forum posts that appear to advertise tools that would do this, but I can't find the download links for either tool. Here are the two links:
Can anyone tell me where I can download either of these two tools? Also, if there is a better Windows-compatible command-line compiler or loader, please let me know.
Phil Deets
Edit: In case it matters for compiler suggestions. I am mostly interested in ASM programming. Poor spin support is fine as long as the assembler works well.
However, I am not really a fan of the software. I normally prefer command-line tools for development although I do use Visual Studio some and don't mind that. I use Windows 7. I got Homespun to work for a command-line compiler. (The link was broken in the wiki, but I managed to figure out the correct link then edit the wiki to fix it.) I am now looking for a command-line tool to load the compiled code onto the propeller.
I have found two forum posts that appear to advertise tools that would do this, but I can't find the download links for either tool. Here are the two links:
- http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?t=106449
- http://forums.parallaxinc.com/forums/pr.aspx?f=25&m=161911
Can anyone tell me where I can download either of these two tools? Also, if there is a better Windows-compatible command-line compiler or loader, please let me know.
Phil Deets
Edit: In case it matters for compiler suggestions. I am mostly interested in ASM programming. Poor spin support is fine as long as the assembler works well.
You are probably looking for the "Propellent" command line loader. It is available on this page - http://www.parallax.com/tabid/832/Default.aspx
I wrote a C version of Remy Blank's python loader and included it in Catalina. It is called "payload". Catalina is available here - http://sourceforge.net/projects/catalina-c
With tongue in cheek I add that Sphinx is another command-line compiler.