Propeller assemblers?

What assemblers exist for the Propeller? I know of the obvious ones:
1) Propeller Tool
2) BST
3) Homespun
Are there any others? I don't care so much about whether it can compile Spin, just that it can assemble PASM programs. I'd also like to find one that is open source so I can extend it if I need to. Does anyone know of any such thing?
1) Propeller Tool
2) BST
3) Homespun
Are there any others? I don't care so much about whether it can compile Spin, just that it can assemble PASM programs. I'd also like to find one that is open source so I can extend it if I need to. Does anyone know of any such thing?
It's written in Java and source is available.
I have used very successfully.
Here is the wiki page (it's a bit out of date) and has a link to Michaels web page. Probably the thread link is broken due to the forum software change :mad:
Bah, I'm trying to drink a beer here, now it's all over my TriBlade.
I also recommend my own assembler, also written in java. Sadly everyone forgets about it
The assembler supports some LMM primitives...
Go to Debuggers and Simulators and then to pPropSim
Also a disassembler.