bst documentation anywhere?
I'm interested in SD card usage and was directed to PropBasic and bst.
I think I have bst installed OK, and am wondering to get started how does one use the bst Terminal under View. It seems there is some document missing to know how to use bst. I downloaded bst, PropBasic documents, but seem to not understand how one begins. I am using an OS X system.
If I use bst Terminal, does that utilize the USB interface?
I am building up a Prop ProtoBoard with a 4.3" LCD and eventually would like that to be the main 'window' and a Parallax keyboard for input to create/edit programs and to access a SD card. In the meantime I could wire in a PS2 keyboard connector while workiing with the bst Terminal, if I understand correctly that it would be the PropBasic input/display means (using one's computer keyboard and screen for display. Does that seem possible/practical?
I think I have bst installed OK, and am wondering to get started how does one use the bst Terminal under View. It seems there is some document missing to know how to use bst. I downloaded bst, PropBasic documents, but seem to not understand how one begins. I am using an OS X system.
If I use bst Terminal, does that utilize the USB interface?
I am building up a Prop ProtoBoard with a 4.3" LCD and eventually would like that to be the main 'window' and a Parallax keyboard for input to create/edit programs and to access a SD card. In the meantime I could wire in a PS2 keyboard connector while workiing with the bst Terminal, if I understand correctly that it would be the PropBasic input/display means (using one's computer keyboard and screen for display. Does that seem possible/practical?
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Wow!, at 31 pages, I had a feeling there was lot I wasn't aware of just dowloading bst (wish that were capitalized to stand out better; looks more like a misspelled word).
Looks like quite a bit of effort to get it to its present state. Now to dig into another manual.