End Separate Forums!
There is no sense in having separate Forums. Members do what they want, regardless; they post where they will.
Just make it one big mish-mash, just like the nihilists and the anarchists want it and obviate all of the rationalizations, justifications and hypocrisy.
I can deal with either, but let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. Enough with this lukewarm stuff, already - run hot or cold.
Just make it one big mish-mash, just like the nihilists and the anarchists want it and obviate all of the rationalizations, justifications and hypocrisy.
I can deal with either, but let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. Enough with this lukewarm stuff, already - run hot or cold.
For heavens' sakes, man, why didn't you post this in the Propeller forum? I think the moderators should move it there!
Personally, I share some of PJs frustrations, although to a lesser degree of "enthusiasm". I just find the situation easier to ignore than gripe about. Also, to be honest, a certain amount of this is what makes this community what it is. As a whole, we tend not to get too wrapped up in ticky tacky.
And it is sometimes fun to see our friend PJ get all wound up! :-) I may have to go post a question on Ping connecting to an SX on my robot with a Stamp Data Logger in the Prop forum just for fun. My rationale would be to ask if I could run the whole mess on 3.3 Volts (that's the prop voltage, so it must belong in the prop forum).
PJ, we really do like you...
John R.
Having been reloading the Propeller forum every 30 seconds for the past two years or so I have to say that members on the whole don't do that. Occasionally some twerp pops up because he can't make up his mind which toilet paper to buy, or such, but these things will normally get you Propeller related replies anyway.
On the other hand perhaps you are right. The entire World Wide Web could just be an gigantic text file somewhere that every human on the planet can just add stuff to the end of when ever they like.
Then we would only need grep to find anything in it:)
Google would be out of business. No wait a minute, that would mean there would be no Android phones.
I veto the idea.
I don't think forum placement is the issue. The Prop forum is by far, the most active. It has the most people using it. Hence, people tend to think that the question they are asking is related to the prop, even if it's something like "what battery should I use", or they just don't think to change to another forum, because that's the only (or primary) one they use.
If this were an automated attendant, I'd go with the "first choice" theory, but when given a list of options, people are going to at least scan the list before they just "pick one". We're not dealing with a bunch of dolts here, our members at least know "electronics" in a context other than an aisle at the local Best Buy store.
Setting that aside, how many "misplaced" posts are we really talking about? Does anyone have any "solid" information on this?
John R.
So, for me it's not that important to have separate forums. However, it helps to have separate forums for people who are only interested in certain topics. It also can help when searching for an old post.
I realize that this whole discussion is kind of silly. It's like the old guy who walks around the neighborhood and complains that some people don't mow their grass often enough.
Have you seen any of the typical "neighborhood association" rule books recently? They don't have a guy walking around complaining, he's walking around writing tickets...
Maybe we should just give PJ a ticket book. Something like "no new posts for 4 hours"...
Anyway, my suggestion would be an easy thing to try as an experiment. (That's known as the scientific method.)
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it. 1600 years ago, people knew Earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, people knew the world was flat. And 15 minutes ago, you knew we were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know, tomorrow."
"The difference between me and you is that I make this look good!"
Jim You ROCK for useing that line .
5 more internets for you !
Don't let PJ push your buttons. He's been around here a long time and is a major contributor to this forum's library of knowledge. Eventually, in an odd sort of way, his sarcasm will grow on you, as it has for (most of) the rest of us. In the meantime, embrace the good, ignore the bad, and your life will be much happier.
Today I spent some time with an editor for an industry electronics magazine who will be collaborating with our largest US distributor to run an embedded contest for students aged 10-14. They'll be using BASIC Stamps and special curriculum using LEDs, sensors, and other fairly common I/O devices.
One aspect of their contest relates to support, and I offered them a place on our forums for this specific contest. In the discussion I told the editor that our forums are a clean place and a ten-year-old would be at home. I'm not sure if a ten year old would understand your statement to Raven, but I'm not going to ask one to tell me what it means. I'm not even certain that I know what it means, though I've heard a variation of it somewhere in the past.
Should I call the editor back and tell him that what I said wasn't really true? You really know how to walk a fine line very well. I admit to laughing when I read your posts, just in case you were wondering.
PJ Allen, you're far more imaginative and articulate than I could ever hope to be. Maybe you could give us a clue if more of the above lies ahead - in your own language if you want to. This is the second "nice guy" request I've made on the subject.
Thanks, Ken Gracey
I always say that it is 2 types of peope's SIDES.
people = If them acts that way ---> Ignore them.
PEOPLE = If You see them in that manner THEM need all atention.
Always show respect and thereby always keep your dignity.
Easier path.
I like the forum groupings, and actually favor a few more of them. (the new posts feature helps make this work, IMHO)
One core truth in life --one that took me a considerable time to learn, and another batch of considerable time to understand, is that nobody makes anybody else feel anything.
That's a choice we all have.
There is also a weighting to things. When somebody close, or loved says something brutal, it's hard not to feel those things. The relationship tends to trump our self-control, and stuff happens.
On the Internet, in places like this, the weighting is considerably less, though we do tend to make friends here.
Write up the zinger, let it sit for a while so you can catch the buzz from it, then delete it! You can sit there thinking, "if they only knew...", and you will quickly find your need to express whatever angst you've gotten yourself into nicely relieved!
Cheers all, and remember, it's all about the tech and the people.
Secondly, many casual grazers may not even know of the existence Sandbox and yet it may be just the sort of thing they were looking for, and just the sort of attraction that would draw them to the Parallax world.
As for PJ, I've already suggested a common over-the-counter palliative for his condition.
As long as PJ's comments stay on the right side of this fine line he articulates around so nicely we are still working within our forum rules. He's way far ahead of us sometimes - takes me a few days to sort out what he's conveying. Strange we're talking about him in third person, though
Ken Gracey
I've done this a lot lately.
Rich H
The reality is kids are going to see, hear and probably do stuff. Not all of it will be pretty either.
Better to be involved so when they do encounter "curious perversions" of the language and technology, they have somebody to talk to about it, and frame it for what it is. I honestly believe that's as good as it ever gets.
@Ken -- Anything in those forum rules that covers personal attacks? I've been saving one up.
haha, good one Phil...