Free CAD Software
The folks at Dassault Systems (SolidWorks) have a free 2-D cad package available called DraftSight. I have not had a chance to use it for any "from scratch" stuff, we are using at work for opening files from AutoCAD, and doing some markup.
The web site is:
I may give it a spin in the next week or so on a "from scratch" drawing or two, if I have the chance, I'll report back.
John R.
The web site is:
I may give it a spin in the next week or so on a "from scratch" drawing or two, if I have the chance, I'll report back.
John R.
Cool. Too bad it doesn't work on iMacs, though.
If you want to go to parametric 3D nirvana check Alibre. the trial version should revert to a feature limited free version.
Ya, I know. I'd probably prefer, or at least considder, a Mac for at home, but there is just too much not available.