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PropBasic: Using multiple instances of lib

VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,555
edited 2010-09-15 05:10 in Propeller 1
Asking a question with an example:

A main cog and 2 tasks(cogs) all require separate serial ability.

The serial.lib library is a very useful import. However, it can only be imported once to the entire project - it means the PIN (tx/rx) & CON (baud) are the same.

If the different cogs/tasks required serial "action" to different external serial devices, then the lib stradegy falls short.

As I can see, I would need to copy the serial.lib and search/rename all the CON,PIN,VAR and SUB/FUNC definitions (perhaps serial1.lib, serial2.lib, serial3.lib)

Is this the only way to handle this at the moment ?


-- Idea:

Could the library be LOADed with an option, such as:

LOAD "serial.lib" { prefix="debug", TX="10", BAUD="T57600" }

So during the LOAD, all VAR,CON,PIN,SUB,FUNCS are prefixed (ie. TX_BYTE becomes debugTX_BYTE) and obviously TX PIN is set to 10, etc... )

Now we can use our serial lib, ie. debugTX_DEC tmp

Would this be useful... am I making a mountain from a molehill ?!


  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2010-09-15 04:32
    Right now the only way would be to create a copy of the lib and prefix everything like you had suggested.

    What I might try to do (if it's possible) is to allow something like:
    debug_TX PIN 10
    debug_Baud CON "T115200"
    LOAD "serial.lib" AS debug
    debug_TX_Hex value

  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,555
    edited 2010-09-15 05:10
    sounds good.

    One thought... The "AS" name could be "debug_" or "debug",
    thus the PIN would be defined debug_TX or debugTX

    So, the user could decide if they wanted the underscore or not by specify the prefix at the AS statement. I mean, perhaps it should not (nor need not) be forced.

    ...anyhow, don't want to make a meal of it! If you come across a solution and have time to implement, it would be very gratefully received. Hopefully from some other angles there are not issues with this productivity concept.
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