GPS ft. Propeller - Elektor Magazine

Parallax multiprocessor enhances satnav functionality
Published in Elektor Magazine. issue 406, October 2010
GPS ft. Propeller
A more versatile GPS receiver for in-car use and radio-control model applications was the spur to designing this project, with capturing motion speed and presenting this in both digital and analogue form a primary requirement. With eight CPUs onboard working in parallel, the Propeller microcontroller from Parallax manages these demanding graphic applications with ease.
Published in Elektor Magazine. issue 406, October 2010
GPS ft. Propeller
A more versatile GPS receiver for in-car use and radio-control model applications was the spur to designing this project, with capturing motion speed and presenting this in both digital and analogue form a primary requirement. With eight CPUs onboard working in parallel, the Propeller microcontroller from Parallax manages these demanding graphic applications with ease.