Parallax Serial Terminal - Copy/Version
The following is "low priority" so far as I am concerned, but eventually any or all of the following would be nice...
With Parallax Serial Terminal, you can highlight text, then ^c to copy...
It would be nice if you could right click and copy as well.
Also it would be nice if you could log output to a .txt file.
Then I don't see any version number anywhere on Parallax Serial Terminal. That would be nice (then if it was modified in the future, you could tell the newer versions from the older versions).
With Parallax Serial Terminal, you can highlight text, then ^c to copy...
It would be nice if you could right click and copy as well.
Also it would be nice if you could log output to a .txt file.
Then I don't see any version number anywhere on Parallax Serial Terminal. That would be nice (then if it was modified in the future, you could tell the newer versions from the older versions).
John Abshier
Additional items on my wish list:
1. A "one touch" Reset button, so I don't have check, then uncheck DTR to reset the chip.
2. Enable the Clear button all the time, even when the terminal is not connected.
I've taken to putting a "waitcnt(clkfreq *2 + cnt)" line in at the start of the program to make sure I have to "enable" the PST. It just becomes one more line to comment out when you're done debugging.
Now if only we had #ifdef, then we wouldn't have to go through all this commenting and un-commenting...
#define DBGMode 'or #UNDEFINE DBGMode
#ifdef DBGMode
waitcnt(clkfreq * 2 _ cnt)
John R.
Ctrl-click toggles DTR. Don't know if that counts as one touch, though.
I second Invent-O-Doc's request for auto-enable. Having to click Enable is just an unnecessary pain.
But what I could really use right now is a way to paste text or send a file through PST.