Strange behavior with no serial connection
I have a SPIN program which uses Extended_FDSerial along with a DS1307 object and serial LCD object.
The program sends a prompt asking if the clock needs to be set and times out if no serial response is received. There is a 3 second delay after the Extended_FDSerial Start method. The program also waits 5 seconds for a response using the RxTime method.
I am using a USB Proto board and everything works great if the board is connected to the PC but if it isn't, the program seems to skip past the delays and almost immediately starts displaying the time and date on the LCD. I'v looked at the Extended_FDSerial and FullDuplexSerial code but can't see any reason why this happens.
I am missing something?
The program sends a prompt asking if the clock needs to be set and times out if no serial response is received. There is a 3 second delay after the Extended_FDSerial Start method. The program also waits 5 seconds for a response using the RxTime method.
I am using a USB Proto board and everything works great if the board is connected to the PC but if it isn't, the program seems to skip past the delays and almost immediately starts displaying the time and date on the LCD. I'v looked at the Extended_FDSerial and FullDuplexSerial code but can't see any reason why this happens.
I am missing something?
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 TX_PIN = 0 BAUD = 9_600 _clockDataPin = 29 _clockClockPin = 28 VAR byte line byte col byte rval byte answer byte dig2[2] OBJ LCD : "SparkFun_Serial_LCD" rtc : "DSRTC_driver" Debug : "Extended_FDSerial" PUB Main LCD.init(TX_PIN, BAUD, 2, 16) LCD.cls LCD.str(string("Set clock?")) Debug.start(31, 30, 0, 57600) ' ignore tx echo on rx [COLOR=red]waitcnt(clkfreq * 3 + cnt)[/COLOR] ' Pause for FullDuplexSerial.spin to initialize rtc.rtcEngineStart(_clockDataPin, _clockClockPin, -1) Debug.tx(16) 'cls Prompt(string("Enter 'y' if you want to set clock:"),true) answer := [COLOR=red]Debug.RxTime(5000)[/COLOR] if answer == "y" SetClock Debug.tx(16) 'cls waitcnt(clkfreq / 100 + cnt) LCD.cls repeat rtc.readClock LCD.gotoxy(2, 0) Pad(rtc.clockMonth) LCD.putc("/") Pad(rtc.clockDate) LCD.putc("/") pad(rtc.clockYear - 2000) LCD.putc(" ") LCD.str(rtc.clockDOW) LCD.gotoxy(2, 1) Pad(rtc.clockHour) LCD.putc(":") Pad(rtc.clockMinute) LCD.putc(":") Pad(rtc.clockSecond) LCD.putc(" ") if(rtc.clockAMPM == rtc#PM) LCD.str(string("PM")) else LCD.str(string("AM")) DispTime waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) PUB Pad(value) | temp temp := value if temp < 10 LCD.putc("0") LCD.DEC(value) PUB DispTime Debug.Tx(2) 'command to position the cursor at X,Y Debug.Tx(0) 'actual X Debug.Tx(0) 'actual Y SPad(rtc.clockMonth) Debug.tx("/") SPad(rtc.clockDate) Debug.tx("/") SPad(rtc.clockYear - 2000) Debug.tx(" ") Debug.str(rtc.clockDOW) Debug.Tx(2) 'command to position the cursor at X,Y....its code is 2 Debug.Tx(0) 'actual X Debug.Tx(1) 'actual Y SPad(rtc.clockHour) Debug.tx(":") SPad(rtc.clockMinute) Debug.tx(":") SPad(rtc.clockSecond) Debug.tx(" ") if(rtc.clockAMPM == rtc#PM) Debug.str(string("PM")) else Debug.str(string("AM")) PUB SPad(value) | temp temp := value if temp < 10 Debug.tx("0") Debug.DEC(value) PUB SetClock | time[7], modeind, ampmind, tmp Prompt(String("Enter year (00-99)"),true) time[6] := getSerVal(2) + 2000 Prompt(String("Enter month (1-12)"),true) time[5] := getSerVal(2) Prompt(String("Enter date (1-31)"), true) time[4] := getSerVal(2) Prompt(String("Enter day of week where 1=SUN 2=MON 3=TUE 4=WED 5=THU 6=FRI 7=SAT"), true) time[3] := getSerVal(1) Prompt(String("Enter clock mode - 12 or 24"),true) tmp := getSerVal(2) if tmp == 12 modeind := rtc#Mode12hr Prompt(String("Enter 'a' for AM or 'p' for PM"),true) tmp := Debug.Rx if tmp == "a" ampmind := rtc#AM else ampmind := rtc#PM else modeind := rtc#Mode24hr Prompt(String("Enter hour "),false) if modeind == rtc#Mode12hr Prompt(String("(1-12)"),true) else Prompt(String("(0-23)"),true) time[2] := getSerVal(2) Prompt(String("Enter minute (1-59)"),true) time[1] := getSerVal(2) time[0] := 0 rtc.setClock(modeind, ampmind, time[0],{ } time[1], { } time[2], { } time[3], { } time[4], { } time[5], { } time[6]) PRI Prompt(msg, CR) Debug.str(msg) if CR Debug.tx(13) PUB getSerVal(lim) : value | bytesread, tmp, x, place Debug.RxFlush bytesread := 0 value := 0 place := 1 repeat while bytesread < lim tmp := Debug.Rx if ((tmp == 10) OR (tmp ==13) OR (tmp == "*")) QUIT if (tmp => ("0")) and (tmp =< ("9")) dig2[bytesread] := tmp bytesread++ repeat x from (bytesread - 1) to 0 value := value + ((dig2[x]-"0") * place) place := place * 10
I couldn't find any threads regarding this issue, but I did use your suggestion. I check ina[31] == 1 and set a variable to true or false.
If TRUE I invoke the Debug.Start method and utilize the serial connection to the PC.
If FALSE, I skip any code referencing the Debug object.
Not sure why this works, but it does. Why is pin 31 high if the USB connection is not in use?
It displays one if the USB cable is connnected to the PC and zero if not.
I assume that if the FTDI chip is not being powered from the USB port, then pin 31 is low.
The USB protoboard schematic shows the circuit - only the RX, TX, DTR connect to the PROP. The FTDI 3.3v out connects to ground thru a cap.
Thanks for the link to the earlier thread. I tried different search parameters but never hit it.
I wasn't disconnecting the USB cable with the Prop powered so I didn't experience the reset issue but it's the same issue.
Testing ina[31] works but it would be nice if the hardware would handle it...
- Ron
There seems to be a disconnect here of another kind. Ron, I'm confused: was the board connected to the PC or not?
1. If you plug in the usb while the prop is running it resets the board
2. If you start a serial device on 30/31 with the usb unplugged, pin 31 is low all the time and so you get continuous 0 chars, so if you read you always get chars - thats the reason for the rxtime always returning. (dont know about the first waitcnt problem though)
Checking for ina[31] == 1 before starting the serial devices fixes the 2nd issue, doesnt have any impact on the 1st issue.