simultaneous PC communication with multiple propellers
Hi. I'm just getting started with the propeller doing breadboard projects and the like and have had a lot of fun. I would like to write a windows program in c++ that communicates with multiple prop chips. Timing information is not critical in the signals being sent back and forth. From the PC I just want to send and receive commands to/from N propeller chips.
I don't have much experience with this type of device communication from a PC, but think basic communication is not too hard through the serial port. I guess I could add on a bunch of RS-232 PCI cards to a PC to communicate with multiple propellers, but that seems clunky and not too scalable.
I'm currently exploring doing it through USB but I would probably like to avoid drifting off into windows driver development if at all possible due to a general impression that it is a major headache.
I am wondering if I could have multiple FT232RQ (e.g. prop plug) usb to serial interfaces connected at the same time. Do the FTDI VCP drivers allow for mapping of multiple interfaces to a bunch of com ports?
Anybody have any insights or different/better solutions? Thanks.
I don't have much experience with this type of device communication from a PC, but think basic communication is not too hard through the serial port. I guess I could add on a bunch of RS-232 PCI cards to a PC to communicate with multiple propellers, but that seems clunky and not too scalable.
I'm currently exploring doing it through USB but I would probably like to avoid drifting off into windows driver development if at all possible due to a general impression that it is a major headache.
I am wondering if I could have multiple FT232RQ (e.g. prop plug) usb to serial interfaces connected at the same time. Do the FTDI VCP drivers allow for mapping of multiple interfaces to a bunch of com ports?
Anybody have any insights or different/better solutions? Thanks.
That may not be what you want. You might want to have a network where all the Props are connected to one serial port on the PC and they take turns talking to the PC. There's an example of such a network for Stamps in the Nuts and Volts Columns. Try #55 and #56. Use the Resources tab on the main Parallax webpage and click on the link to the Nuts and Volts Columns.
This sounds much better. I spent some time looking for the MAX4030. Did you mean the MAX4830 off of this datasheet?
Then I use USB to serial cables, which you can get on ebay for under $2 each. Plug in as many as you like to your PC and windows sorts out which com port they will use. Then open terminal programs (or code your own software) and talk to each of those serial ports.