Object running stand-alone, but not when called???
I have a project in which a 'Main' contains objects. Each object has a function in it that starts a new cog and runs some assembly in that cog.
For some reason the objects work fine when they are compiled and ran by themselves...but when I call them from the Main object, only the first PASM routine functions. I thought I had everything right, but I guess not. When I get to the second object, the SPIN code (turning on an LED) works, however the PASM doesn't work...Again, it works fine when I compile and run it alone.
Is there something I am doing wrong here to prevent a cog from running assembly correctly?
-I have gone back and made sure that all of my labels are unique...But alas...Still no worky. Am I passing something wrong?
...In the below code, the Main object runs, PC_UART runs, and the GPS_UART object runs (makes OUTA[9] go high), but the PASM in the GPS_UART object does not run...or any other PASM in other objects....
Main Object:
GPS Uart:
For some reason the objects work fine when they are compiled and ran by themselves...but when I call them from the Main object, only the first PASM routine functions. I thought I had everything right, but I guess not. When I get to the second object, the SPIN code (turning on an LED) works, however the PASM doesn't work...Again, it works fine when I compile and run it alone.
Is there something I am doing wrong here to prevent a cog from running assembly correctly?
-I have gone back and made sure that all of my labels are unique...But alas...Still no worky. Am I passing something wrong?
...In the below code, the Main object runs, PC_UART runs, and the GPS_UART object runs (makes OUTA[9] go high), but the PASM in the GPS_UART object does not run...or any other PASM in other objects....
Main Object:
OBJ PC_UART : "PC_UART.spin" GPS_UART : "GPS_UART.spin" RADIO_UART : "RADIO_UART.spin" LANC_UART : "LANC_UART.spin" MATH : "Float32Full.spin" BOARD_INTERFACE : "BS2_Functions.spin" Debug : "Simple_Serial.spin" CON _CLKMODE = XTAL2 + PLL4X _XINFREQ = 20_000_000 VAR BYTE PC_SIZE BYTE PC_BUFFER[100] BYTE GPS_SIZE BYTE GPS_BUFFER[100] BYTE RADIO_SIZE BYTE RADIO_BUFFER[100] BYTE LANC_SIZE BYTE LANC_BUFFER[100] BYTE TESTBYTE[25] BYTE COGNUMBER PUB MAIN 'SET PIN DIRECTION DIRA[31..0] := %00111111_11000110_10001111_01111111 'SET PIN STATE OUTA[31..0] := %10000000_11110011_11111001_10010000 'START MATH Math.Start 'Start PC Interface PC_UART.Run(@PC_SIZE) 'Start GPS GPS_UART.Run(@GPS_SIZE) 'Start Radio RADIO_UART.Run(@RADIO_SIZE) 'Start Lanc LANC_UART.Run(@LANC_SIZE) 'START SERVO cognumber := cognew(Servo_output, @COG1STACK[0]) repeat
PUB Run(MemoryPointer) cognew(@Start_PC,MemoryPointer) OUTA[9]~~ DAT org 0 Start_PC or dira, PC_txpin or outa, PC_txpin mov PC_pointer, PAR add PC_pointer, #2 RUN_PCSerial mov PC_txbyte, #$AA call #PC_uart_tx_9600 jmp #RUN_PCSerial '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PC_uart_rx_115200 mov PC_rxbyte, #0 PC_Wait_for_signal115200 mov PC_B, INA and PC_B, PC_rxpin TJNZ PC_B, #PC_Wait_for_signal115200 'Start bit found mov PC_time, cnt add PC_time, #$f waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200Half waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200Half 'Datafield waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200Half waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200Half mov PC_B, INA AND PC_B, PC_rxpin or PC_rxbyte, PC_B ror PC_rxbyte, #1 waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200Half waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200 mov PC_B, INA AND PC_B, PC_rxpin or PC_rxbyte, PC_B ror PC_rxbyte, #1 mov PC_bits, #6 PC_ReadLoop_115200 waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200 mov PC_B, INA AND PC_B, PC_rxpin or PC_rxbyte, PC_B ror PC_rxbyte, #1 DJNZ PC_bits, #PC_ReadLoop_115200 ror PC_rxbyte, #23 PC_uart_rx_115200_ret ret '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PC_uart_rx_9600 mov PC_rxbyte, #0 PC_Wait_for_signal9600 mov PC_B, INA and PC_B, PC_rxpin TJNZ PC_B, #PC_Wait_for_signal9600 'Start bit found mov PC_time, cnt add PC_time, #$f waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600Half waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600Half 'Datafield waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600Half waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600Half mov PC_B, INA AND PC_B, PC_rxpin or PC_rxbyte, PC_B ror PC_rxbyte, #1 waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600Half waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600 mov PC_B, INA AND PC_B, PC_rxpin or PC_rxbyte, PC_B ror PC_rxbyte, #1 mov PC_bits, 6 PC_ReadLoop_9600 waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600 mov PC_B, INA AND PC_B, PC_rxpin or PC_rxbyte, PC_B ror PC_rxbyte, #1 DJNZ PC_bits, #PC_ReadLoop_9600 ror PC_rxbyte, #23 PC_uart_rx_9600_ret ret '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PC_uart_tx_9600 mov PC_time, cnt add PC_time, #$f ' startbit 'and outa, txpinnot and outa, PC_txpinnot waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600 waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600 ' prepare_data mov PC_bits, #8 ' mov A, #$AA ror PC_txbyte, #1 PC_Datafield9600 ror PC_txbyte, #1 mov PC_B, PC_txbyte AND PC_B, PC_txpin MOV OUTA, PC_B waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600 DJNZ PC_bits, #PC_Datafield9600 ' parity or outa, PC_txpin waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600 ' stopbit waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600 waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay9600 PC_uart_tx_9600_ret ret '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PC_uart_tx_115200 mov PC_time, cnt add PC_time, #$f ' startbit 'and outa, txpinnot and outa, PC_txpinnot waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200 waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200 ' prepare_data mov PC_bits, #8 ' mov A, #$AA ror PC_txbyte, #1 PC_Datafield115200 ' or outa, txpin ' and outa, txpinnot ror PC_txbyte, #1 mov PC_B, PC_txbyte AND PC_B, PC_txpin MOV OUTA, PC_B waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200 DJNZ PC_bits, #PC_datafield115200 ' parity or outa, PC_txpin waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200 ' stopbit waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200 waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200 waitcnt PC_time, PC_delay115200 PC_uart_tx_115200_ret ret PC_delay9600 long 6099 PC_delay9600Half long 3049 PC_delay115200 long 516 PC_delay115200Half long 258 PC_rxpin long $80_00_00_00 PC_rxpinnot long $7F_FF_FF_FF PC_txpin long $40_00_00_00 PC_txpinnot long $BF_FF_FF_FF PC_rxbyte res 1 PC_txbyte res 1 PC_B res 1 PC_time res 1 PC_bits res 1 PC_pointer res 1
GPS Uart:
PUB Run(MemoryPointer) cognew(@Start_GPS,MemoryPointer) OUTA[10]~~ DAT org 0 Start_GPS or dira, txpin or outa, txpin mov pointer, PAR add pointer, #2 RUN_GPS mov txbyte, #$AA call #uart_tx_9600 jmp #RUN_GPS '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ uart_rx_115200 mov rxbyte, #0 Wait_for_signal115200 mov B, INA and B, rxpin TJNZ B, #Wait_for_signal115200 'Start bit found mov time, cnt add time, #$f waitcnt time, delay115200Half waitcnt time, delay115200Half 'Datafield waitcnt time, delay115200Half waitcnt time, delay115200Half mov B, INA AND B, rxpin or rxbyte, B ror rxbyte, #1 waitcnt time, delay115200Half waitcnt time, delay115200 mov B, INA AND B, rxpin or rxbyte, B ror rxbyte, #1 mov bits, #6 ReadLoop_115200 waitcnt time, delay115200 mov B, INA AND B, rxpin or rxbyte, B ror rxbyte, #1 DJNZ bits, #ReadLoop_115200 ror rxbyte, #13 uart_rx_115200_ret ret '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ uart_rx_9600 mov rxbyte, #0 Wait_for_signal9600 mov B, INA and B, rxpin TJNZ B, #Wait_for_signal9600 'Start bit found mov time, cnt add time, #$f waitcnt time, delay9600Half waitcnt time, delay9600Half 'Datafield waitcnt time, delay9600Half waitcnt time, delay9600Half mov B, INA AND B, rxpin or rxbyte, B ror rxbyte, #1 waitcnt time, delay9600Half waitcnt time, delay9600 mov B, INA AND B, rxpin or rxbyte, B ror rxbyte, #1 mov bits, 6 ReadLoop_9600 waitcnt time, delay9600 mov B, INA AND B, rxpin or rxbyte, B ror rxbyte, #1 DJNZ bits, #ReadLoop_9600 ror rxbyte, #13 uart_rx_9600_ret ret '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ uart_tx_9600 mov time, cnt add time, #$f ' startbit 'and outa, txpinnot and outa, txpinnot waitcnt time, delay9600 waitcnt time, delay9600 ' prepare_data mov bits, #8 ' mov A, #$AA ror txbyte, #9 Datafield9600 ror txbyte, #1 mov B, txbyte AND B, txpin MOV OUTA, B waitcnt time, delay9600 DJNZ bits, #Datafield9600 ' parity or outa, txpin waitcnt time, delay9600 ' stopbit waitcnt time, delay9600 waitcnt time, delay9600 uart_tx_9600_ret ret '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ uart_tx_115200 mov time, cnt add time, #$f ' startbit 'and outa, txpinnot and outa, txpinnot waitcnt time, delay115200 waitcnt time, delay115200 ' prepare_data mov bits, #8 ' mov A, #$AA ror txbyte, #9 Datafield115200 ' or outa, txpin ' and outa, txpinnot ror txbyte, #1 mov B, txbyte AND B, txpin MOV OUTA, B waitcnt time, delay115200 DJNZ bits, #datafield115200 ' parity or outa, txpin waitcnt time, delay115200 ' stopbit waitcnt time, delay115200 waitcnt time, delay115200 waitcnt time, delay115200 uart_tx_115200_ret ret delay9600 long 6099 delay9600Half long 3049 delay115200 long 516 delay115200Half long 258 rxpin long $00_20_00_00 rxpinnot long $FF_DF_FF_FF txpin long $00_40_00_00 '0000_0000_0x00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 txpinnot long $FF_BF_FF_FF rxbyte res 1 txbyte res 1 B res 1 time res 1 bits res 1 pointer res 1
That's way out of spec and may be responsible for the effect you're seeing. PLL clock input should be kept within 4..8MHz (Hydra being slightly off with 10MHz but still OK). Grab a 5MHz crystal and see if it makes a difference.
Also, your par address parameters are still unaligned (everything from 4n to 4n+3), they are not used yet in the code you posted but presumably will be later.