Important note to all moderators!
Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)
Posts: 23,514
Please do not edit posts in an attempt to repair any damage they received from the forum migration. Doing so will prevent those posts from receiving their final face-lift in the remigration. Any post which has been edited since the original migration will not be remigrated.
So My question IS.
Will in that posts PICTURES be remigrated with theirs original sizes As I reedited some of my posts?
However, any post that's been edited since the forum migration date will not be remigrated, even if it has attachments that were remigrated.
You Said "If the original attachment size is larger than what's permitted now in the new forum"
That give new Question LARGER as FILE size else LARGER as 800x600.
That many Schematics that we be resized to 800x600 are now unreadable on NEW Forum posts that people have send.
Most of JPGg Pictures with size 800x600 will not be bigger as 300KB but in attachments You have near 1MB file size possibility.
Is 800x600 for at many of us that use glasses CAN't read it ELSE it is only for at spare MY Data Screen.
We are working though these issues at best possible speed. The attachments have been re-migrated on one of our test servers. We're going to let everyone take a look and verify that we either got it right or we still have some work to do.
Meanwhile, most communication is happening nicely. Well done, in case you are not feeling that.
Hi Jim Ewald.
Thanks for explanation.
As It is now
-- thumbnails have good xy dimensions
-- Attachments need NOT have any XY restrictions
--> Inline Pictures if YOU will that them not disturb page sizes NEED some insert code that RESIZES picture on FLY on USERS side to page sizes.
That give You Possibility to have only one restriction on YOURS end --- Picture file size and give You only one Picture to spare on SERVER.
Ps. That give YOU simplicity to run Inline Pictures on any type of device AND me to always have possibility to download original Picture If I have problem to see it detailed.