The New Guy: A short introduction
Hello Parallax Forumers!
My name is Daniel and I am a new hire here at Parallax. One of the things that I have been asked to do is to "trawl" the forums (Propeller mostly) and be a solid line of communication between you and the company. I am here for you guys should you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions.
That being said, here is a bit about me. I have a BS from the University of North Texas in Computer Engineering. I am also working to finish my Master's in the same field (ugh, thesis :eyes:). My first introduction to Parallax and the Propeller was about three years ago when I started my undergraduate senior design project. I really enjoyed working with the Prop and have used it in almost every one of my projects since - the info on the forums and open nature of the OBEX have been indispensable tools for me. I have been to UPEW 2009 and 2010, so I have probably met a few of you. Other than that, I have not had much of a previous presence on the forums.
Im not going to claim to know many little details about the Prop or the best way to do things, but I am more than happy to work with you guys to get a problem solved.
Cheers! I look forward to getting to know you all and help make the community awesome. :smilewinkgrin:
My name is Daniel and I am a new hire here at Parallax. One of the things that I have been asked to do is to "trawl" the forums (Propeller mostly) and be a solid line of communication between you and the company. I am here for you guys should you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions.
That being said, here is a bit about me. I have a BS from the University of North Texas in Computer Engineering. I am also working to finish my Master's in the same field (ugh, thesis :eyes:). My first introduction to Parallax and the Propeller was about three years ago when I started my undergraduate senior design project. I really enjoyed working with the Prop and have used it in almost every one of my projects since - the info on the forums and open nature of the OBEX have been indispensable tools for me. I have been to UPEW 2009 and 2010, so I have probably met a few of you. Other than that, I have not had much of a previous presence on the forums.
Im not going to claim to know many little details about the Prop or the best way to do things, but I am more than happy to work with you guys to get a problem solved.

Cheers! I look forward to getting to know you all and help make the community awesome. :smilewinkgrin:
To our customers: Daniel arrives with Propeller and engineering experience, and plenty of enthusiasm to get the job accomplished. We are connecting him with key Propeller customers for focused design-in support - as a Field Application Engineer (FAE). He's also communicating with Chip's Propeller 2 design team. Daniel's role will be further formalized this Fall as we develop a commercialized business model for Propeller users.
Welcome to Parallax, Daniel!
Ken Gracey
I hope you have as much fun as we all do!
(you won't believe what this crowd can do)
Welcome, Daniel!
It usually starts out fun till the projects pile up and one realizes that working in a candy store sorta devalues the fact of having all the hardware you can imagine for free. The real value becomes having any component you need, when you need it, instead of simply claiming parts that you may never use.
Speaking of having hardware for "free" the Education department just did a massive cleanup of their offices. Since they run the Educator's Courses they have a bevy of hardware. For many of the courses we used to supply hardware. And Andy has been known to save everything so this will be a tremendous boost for the next UPEW Junk Table next year.
Chances are that Daniel will raid the boxes while they wait for UPEW, but the other engineers and tech support guys will probably just watch him make claims while smiling, not moving an inch towards the box to collect up more hardware.
Got mine from Parallax. I also have a Propeller.
Just kidding! Welcome Daniel!
hahahahahhaha, how'd you know! >_< I tried to limit myself. I couldnt pass up the Tron recognizer cast iron replica though. You know you're a nerd when...
Welcome to the forum,
The Sine tables in the Propeller go one word over the 2K. Can that be reached in Assembler, or does on have to use Spin?
Careful eating that candy. Remember leads up when swallowing, otherwise you might get choked.
Oh, I almost forgot...glad to have you at Parallax Daniel!
Still, though, while some Parallax products can be addictive, none has yet given me indigestion!
Welcome, Daniel! You'll be fine ... yeeesss, just fine. Has Ken shown you the employee interrogation room yet? (Oh, sorry, I guess I wasn't supposed to mention that. Never mind.)