Robo Badge batteries?
Posts: 12,537
I just got sent a Robo Badge, but no docs. What kind of batteries are it intended to use? It looks odd. I don't see any designation. I'd love a schematic and code as well.
I just got sent a Robo Badge, but no docs. What kind of batteries are it intended to use? It looks odd. I don't see any designation. I'd love a schematic and code as well.
This thread has a link to the SX tech kit which came with a Robolympics badge. That page has the schematics and code for it.
And you can find Bean's "Magic 8 ball" replacement code here:
Hope this helps.
If Parallax ever makes a Propeller based badge like this I would request that they add a mounting hole at the top and route the traces around it to make it easier to work with.
I got some CR123A lithium batteries today, a bit expensive.
Still, the Robo Badge is very interesting and looks like a lot of fun. I am thinking of fastening it to the back of a motorcycle helmet and using a Memsic sensor in order to make it operate as a turn signal indicator. When one leans their head left, the device would indicate left and vise versa. I am wondering if it would sense a stop as well.
The programing port can easily provide power to accessories and it appears there are 7 bits of portB available.
I certainly will try Bean's software.
I am not at all leary of drilling holes, but I certainly wish that some mounting holes were provided. I've got another board here with similar problems, an XGS Pico Board. It just seems to me that a proper mounting is part of the design process and shouldn't be ignored. It you can't provide holes, at least provide space for rubber feet on the bottom.
Since I have a couple of Nokia wall warts that offer 5.2volts, I am wondering if I dare try to power the Robo Badge without batteries through the SX-Key port. Has anyone done so?