What have i done..help!
Hi Guy's,
I think I have made a monumental error!!
I have been writing S/W with the Propeller Tool for 7 days and the computer never turns off.
Next thing you know, computer turns off due to power issue...Now I cannot find the current S/W that I spent 7 days writing. The file is still there, but the contents are the same as 7 days ago!
I know you will say "Why didn't you save it" ..well..I was under the impression that when I compile, Propeller Tool first saves the file and then compiles. This is what happens with microchip IDE anyway.
So the question is.."Can i find a temp file or something that has the latest S/W still?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think I have made a monumental error!!
I have been writing S/W with the Propeller Tool for 7 days and the computer never turns off.
Next thing you know, computer turns off due to power issue...Now I cannot find the current S/W that I spent 7 days writing. The file is still there, but the contents are the same as 7 days ago!
I know you will say "Why didn't you save it" ..well..I was under the impression that when I compile, Propeller Tool first saves the file and then compiles. This is what happens with microchip IDE anyway.
So the question is.."Can i find a temp file or something that has the latest S/W still?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We've all been there at one point, with some system.
Now you know the default behavior. The Prop tool will compile the working copies of code in RAM. If a file is open, it works with that one. If it's not, then it fetches it from the disk.
...your files were open.
There is some good news. The second time around usually results in considerably better software, and it usually happens far more quickly.
If I were you, I would work on it now, while your memory is fresh.
Sorry. It sucks.
This happened to me for the first time on a Atari 400. At the time, I didn't have disk, and writing to cassette was a slow PITA. So, I just didn't. Our house power was great, no worries.
Then this truck came speeding down the hill. I got a chill, and thought, "what if it hits the pole?" I typed "LIST" and watched the code go by, then the screen went dark. Spent three days on it. Was a clone of "Super Breakout", and it had DLI code to change screen colors, and also used some nifty string pointer redefinition tricks to get scrolling in BASIC, without machine code.
Knocked the other copy out the next day. Turns out, that DLI code was a lot more ugly than it needed to be, and a few bytes of 6502 got the scrolling done. Should have done that in the first place, but I just didn't feel like hand assembling after struggling with the DLI routine.
That second time through, I swear, I wrote a few lines, save to tape. A few more, save to tape. I loaded a C60 in there too, just in case. Once in a while, I saved it twice, just because ...well, stuff could happen!
That's all I have for you man. It's a "been there, and I understand" story. Wish I had more, but I just don't.
I agree with all your statements..I was just preying to anything that it could be recovered.
The fun part is that the 7 days of code will now need to be done in 1..just in time for the presentation to the customer!
Good bye sleep!
In future use BST instead of the Prop Tool. It save recovery files prior to recompilation. BST has never lost any data for me despite numerous inadvertent power downs, system hangs etc.
Thank for that!
I am new to prop so please let me know how to obtain it.
Thanks again.
Sorry, wasn't thinking.
BST is a clone of the Propeller Tool by BradC on this forum. It's main reason for being is that it runs on Linux and Mac not just Windows. However it also has a lot of other nifty features.
You can get it from here:
Good luck with your marathon rewriting session.
Thanks Heaps!