Defective 3.3v regulator...
A while back, I started having a mysterious problem with my hydra board. To make a long story short, It turned out to be the 3.3v power regulator, and I went through an incredible ordeal to replace it. (I ended up learning how to repair scratched PCB traces). I managed to fix it however, and lived happily ever after for about 2 years. However, today I noticed a strange communication problem with my PPDB (Propeller Professional Development Board). I reached over and touched the 3.3v power regulator just to make sure... And sure enough, I burnt my finger. My wall wart was also quite hot to the touch, so I hurriedly unplugged it. Alas, I was too late, and the power regulator was hopelessly fried. I know from experience that the prop will be OK, and the only problem is a failed regulator. However, I dread the thought of having to do the gymnastics reqired to replace it, does anybody have any insight as how to fix it without doing any desodering? (The heatsink on the power regulator makes this next to impossible).
My guess is something like this would benefit from a hot air rework station but I'd also like to hear other's suggestions.
When they get hot, it is usually due to a short somewhere on the regulated line.
Moreover, a regulator's thermal shutdown circuitry will protect it from being fried.
Regulators are really very robust.
I admit I am not sure how one might do this unintentionally.
Maybe a crossover with the +5 volts, then shutting down. Maybe using a battery supply in conjunction with the normal supply. But the standard way for causing failure is to use rather large and unnecessary filter caps on the regulated side and then shut down. The shut down causes the cap to create a backflow through the regulator. The solution is a bypass diode in the reverse of normal current flow to safely discharge the cap around the regulator.
I do see a rather large cap that is supposed to filter servo motors on the Propeller Proto Board and have wondered if I should insert a protective diode when using hobby servos. I does seem wise.
EDIT: Wow, I feel so stupid now. I just looked at my supply and it says "Ouput: AC"!
The one used in the Hydra is not one of these automotive types.
On the bright side, I just came up with an idea for how I can save it. I happen to have quite a few spares, do you think I could supply the power from an external supply? I'm thinking about wiring up the spare 3.3v supply on my breadboard, and having it output to the 3.3v rail on the breadboard. However, after the recent fireworks display, I thought I'd ask someone first. (Oh, BTW, I'm using the Propeller Professional Development Board revA.)
Oh, and I have some pics if anyone wants to see them.
EDIT: I'm tired of waiting... Trying it now.
EDIT: Didn't work. Blew another cap. Trying something else...
EDIT: Didn't work ether... Finding a cheap aurdino...
EDIT: Lol, JK. You know I wouldn't go and do something dumb like that. I guess I have to buy another...
Make sure to double-check the voltage even on DC supplies. I used a 10V rated tantalum capacitor as an input filter to a regulator on one of my projects, and connected it to a 7.5 VDC unregulated wall wart. The cap instantly became very hot, no voltage output from my regulator. Upon checking, I found that my 7.5 VDC wall wart was in fact putting out 11.5 VDC. Even after switching to an appropriate supply, the damaged 10V tantalum capacitor was now acting as a direct short (must be part of the failure mode of tantalums).
Even some 6 VDC unregulated wall warts that I have on hand put out > 10 VDC.
A current-limiting benchtop power supply is good for things like this. I know several people who usually test new circuits by always starting out with a low current and slowly ramping it up, to check for shorts.
Also beware that not all three-terminal regulators have the same pinout. I seem to recall one time long ago getting bit by an oddball regulator.
As far as removing components, a cheap hot air iron works great for such things.