4.3" LCD; mounting a problem w/o PSB pcb!!!
Has anyone found a decent scheme for connecting a 4.3" LCD without using Raymans PSB board?
The Breakout board makes the 20-pin i/f to one's own Prop board rather awkward. Whether the breakout is facing the user or the opposite direction, the i/f is way outside the LCD edges. Neat display, but like I wrote, awkward if not using a PSB board which has the 60 line connector on the back of the PSB; that is the LCD attaches to one side of PSB and the connector on the other side.
How has anyone, not using the PSB, figured a good way to use the breakout board/LCD with their Prop board? I didn't foresee this dilemna.
The Breakout board makes the 20-pin i/f to one's own Prop board rather awkward. Whether the breakout is facing the user or the opposite direction, the i/f is way outside the LCD edges. Neat display, but like I wrote, awkward if not using a PSB board which has the 60 line connector on the back of the PSB; that is the LCD attaches to one side of PSB and the connector on the other side.
How has anyone, not using the PSB, figured a good way to use the breakout board/LCD with their Prop board? I didn't foresee this dilemna.
Now, as for the Wingman (http://www.virtualhud.com/virtualhud/images/Wingman_PressRelease1.jpg), I designed a board that is similar to Ray's PSB that has the cut out in it to allow the 60 pin connector on the back.
Do you mean a Proto Board? Or maybe a Prop Pro. Dev. Board?
Unlike the PSB, PTP or your Wingman, which is a pcb designed for the LCD flex cable, configuration and dimensions, I failed to mention that I was dealing with a Prop ProtoBoard. And since that wasn't designed for such a display, it is an awkward and ugly scheme to connect and mount the LCD. Not wiring/cabling wise, just that the flex cable/breakout board just doesn't 'mesh' very nicely.
I had a lash-up earlier with a monochrome graphic LCD and the best I could come up with was using a 40-conductor cable with the connector on each end opposite facing from each other. This brought the cable forward and let the LCD lie on the cable when connected. Probably the best fit for that arrangement with a Prop Protoboard.
I could use almost the same arrangement with the 4.3" LCD. Here the breakout board would plug into the near end of the cable, though the LCD would now sort of lie on the cable and breakout board and not be quite so held in place due to the flex cable on the LCD. LCD displays rarely mesh well with existing layouts; need to be designed-in.
I'll try to post a photo of my lash-up for 'show-n-tell'. Somehow I'd also like to have a SD card 'breakout' board (from µController.com) available. Right now, using A0..A3 and power/ground at the lower-right corner of the Prop zone, there is a space conflict with it and the LCD. Looks like I've got more 'head scratching' yet to do.