Propeller chip lost on COM6
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
I am using the Parallax professional development board (part number 32111) connected via an USB cable to a tower PC running XP. I have tried versions 1.26 and 1.27R2 of the development system software and both have the following problem:
1) Identify hardware states "Propeller chip version 1 found on COM6"
2) Load a small demo program and F10 and F11 work fine, and the program executes as expected.
3) Load something larger like the Sensirion Demo and F10 and F11 end up failing after "Verifying RAM" with the message "Propeller chip lost on COM6".
It seems like some kind of timing problem. I tried searching this forum but the search function doesn't seem to allow exact string searches -- my apologies if this is a duplicate thread.
Update 1: I tried another computer and it works fine using a fast dual core laptop (Fujitsu T4210 tablet PC). The desktop was an older 2.66GHz Celeron.
I am using the Parallax professional development board (part number 32111) connected via an USB cable to a tower PC running XP. I have tried versions 1.26 and 1.27R2 of the development system software and both have the following problem:
1) Identify hardware states "Propeller chip version 1 found on COM6"
2) Load a small demo program and F10 and F11 work fine, and the program executes as expected.
3) Load something larger like the Sensirion Demo and F10 and F11 end up failing after "Verifying RAM" with the message "Propeller chip lost on COM6".
It seems like some kind of timing problem. I tried searching this forum but the search function doesn't seem to allow exact string searches -- my apologies if this is a duplicate thread.
Update 1: I tried another computer and it works fine using a fast dual core laptop (Fujitsu T4210 tablet PC). The desktop was an older 2.66GHz Celeron.
Try BST and see if your results change.
Things had been going fine, then I got the chip lost message. Downloaded the BST and got a "Catastrophic communications error"
Funny thing is that I can program the ram with F10 to load temporary test files. I can not load the EEPROM.
When it stops working, you can try uploading a dozen times in a row and it will fail every time. Short programs are ok. Reboot, and everything is fine. It seems that when the propeller tool quits, something is left running in memory that causes problems. There is definitely a bug here.
Both machines are XP Professional with all the patches. One is a Fujitsu laptop, the other is an older desktop machine (clone).
It is a shame that this hasn't been fixed. I would hesitate to recommend it as a teaching platform for the university I attend because it would be a support nightmare. The current teaching platforms for engineering projects are an ancient PicKit and an 8088 based homegrown board.
I have resigned myself to trying the upload and it it fails, pressing the power button on the laptop for three seconds until it reboots. I just don't have the patience for a regular software shutdown anymore.
For some reason, small programs aren't a problem. I am using it for a on-demand ventilation controller that interfaces to a pair of sensiron humidity sensors, a LCD display, a NDIR CO2 sensor, a serial port for data logging, a bunch of parallax gas sensors and of course a floating point library. By the way, the parallax electrochemical sensors are pathetic. NDIR (non dispersive infrared) technology blows them away in terms of accuracy, response time and self diagnostics and there are no heater circuits or other foolishness to content with.
I'm sure Parallax would like to know of a problem, and the tech support is top notch.
If you are working with one piece of hardware, may it not have gotten damaged at one point, so it is exhibiting an intermittent hardware problem now?
That's a pretty bold statement without any evidence. The Propeller Tool has been around for a while and there are a lot of users.
Speaking for myself, I use the Propeller Tool just about every day. I don't have the problems you're describing.
The HttpServer source have I make some smaller. Just delete source lines. And after some delete 100% able to upload to the Propeller. Great but what I had upload was a non-working program anymore.
Never mind. I was looking at the top post, apparently very old and not the one from today...