ROUND 2: Lindsey Needs Your Vote!

First, I promise not to pester the Forum to the degree that I did last month about voting in the Gerber baby contest. I don't want to wear out my welcome here, Amy did quite well getting 1506 votes! Probably aware that their online voting system had security issues, Gerber has made voting a more difficult 2-step process. Every day you vote, they send you a confirmation email with a link to finalize your vote. GROAN. Lets see if little Liam get 4400 votes in September!
Of last month's contest, several people said "that was fun", or "let's get 4000 votes next month", so God bless their enthusiasm. Even I don't have energy to rally the troops like last month, but out of deference to those nice folks and making an "equal effort" for our twin girls, I'll give it the old college try.
We're starting from just TWO votes today, the first day of voting. IF you have the energy to vote for our sweet little Lindsey, please go to
Lindsey and all of us thank you for your support!
Of last month's contest, several people said "that was fun", or "let's get 4000 votes next month", so God bless their enthusiasm. Even I don't have energy to rally the troops like last month, but out of deference to those nice folks and making an "equal effort" for our twin girls, I'll give it the old college try.
We're starting from just TWO votes today, the first day of voting. IF you have the energy to vote for our sweet little Lindsey, please go to
Lindsey and all of us thank you for your support!
Mine went straight to normal email.
Buy these shirts now, while they're still available, and put them away for the girls to grow into!
Cute AND annoying. And so our journey begins...
Can you blame me?
Rich H
Hang in there! I agree with the others that we should push hard for Lindsey this month... after all, we're all primed and are starting from the beginning. I'm legally voting twice a day, once from home and once from work.
I'm committed for the month... who else is in??!!!
BTW, Lindsey did a cameo apperance in today's Parallax Youtube video at
Hmm, the video is not on Parallax's YouTube page.
The braking looks to work really well. Will you be posting a how-to?
Rich H
Sure, I can share a how-to, once I'm sure that braking both wheels with one relay is the right way to go.
Groan! Someone is going to have to be awfully determined to lean the new voting sequence. Vote, I am 13, security code, email, confirmation email. Wow.
No soup for him!
166 votes now. Thanks for your support!
Thanks for your vote!
Pic: Little Lindsey fell asleep in the baby jogger on a hilly 5-miler today!
"The voting process changes were put in place to discourage unfair voting practices that were brought to our attention in the early weeks -- those very practices that caused the validation of the June votes to take so long. We also hope you understand all approved photo submissions are eligible for the Grand Prize, regardless of the number of votes received, so working to get votes is not necessary to participate in the Photo Search. It’s also worth noting that we are not using any e-mails received from voting for marketing purposes."
So they know their online voting is suspect. Nonetheless, I'm proud of the strong and fair support you have given my girls, and we'll press on to the end of the month. With some luck, I think we can hit 600 votes this month, and then GET ON WITH OUR LIVES! Thanks again, every vote gets us closer to 600.
Pic: Amy (L), Lindsey (R) in their finest pro-cycling attire
Comon everybody, do your part to help Lindsey... VOTE!!