Video Generation with propeller, tuts?
Hi all, I was thinking about all the nice prop books out there and realized that some key features are not really touched too much on. I was thinking that maybe parallax could get some of the best programmers and make a whole book on how to do VGA video generation and RCA video generation and maybe on how to make sounds/audio, how to use the PS/2 inputs and maybe some other things. I dont know if they will do this but It would be a cool idea, i mean every newbie loves a full scale easy step by step tutorial right? I mean i'm 13 and i am having trouble learning the prop, having a neat little book like that would be great! (also maybe a section on using the microphone and having the whole book centered around the Prop demo board) Also: added poll, just interested with what you guys think, and if we get enough votes parallax might consider it maybe!
The theory in the Hydra book is good for all boards. You just have to make a few changes to programs before you run them.
I uploaded some info for you. It was posted sometime ago for the Hydra but you can apply that theory to your demo board and it should fit your budget.... it's FREE
But I do have the Hydra book, which is available separately from the Hydra system itself and as Robert says, isn't out of line from the cost of similar books on other topics. It's the answer to most of the questions you were asking, and if there were a different answer it would probably cost about the same.
(I have not registered a vote)
Why not post a want ad for the Hydra book on the Classifieds forum?
You can:
Get one of the simpler video drivers, and the one posted is not a bad start, and spend a few solid days, just parsing it line by line. That means reading each instruction, then tracking down all the things it impacts, then sorting those to understand what it does.
That's how I learned about video things. One week solid, and you can write those things, but it's not easy. (fun though)
Work for the Hydra Book.
Beg for the book.
Trade for the book.
Borrow the book.
Sell some of your other stuff for the book.
The good news, is you've got a lot of options!
Everything I hear about it sounds good.