Date and time keeping question
I am currently upgrading my Automatic pet fountain project to a BS2e and will start building a second version this winter using the Propeller with lots more features. I am wanting to incorperate a pet med reminder into the second version so that I can enter, track, and have a reminder to medicate, ie...heartworm and such.
Right now I'm just laying the framework for this project and I don't need a "how too". I plan on learning the "how to" on my own and asking questions when needed.
My question is: As far as keeping track of date and time, would I want to use a dedicated cog for this task, or just use a time keeping chip. The time keeping chip seems to be the solution for my question, I would just like some insite on what others opinions are in this matter.
Right now I'm just laying the framework for this project and I don't need a "how too". I plan on learning the "how to" on my own and asking questions when needed.
My question is: As far as keeping track of date and time, would I want to use a dedicated cog for this task, or just use a time keeping chip. The time keeping chip seems to be the solution for my question, I would just like some insite on what others opinions are in this matter.
1) Set and forget - it takes care of most of the details of timekeeping. With a backup battery, you rarely need to set it.
2) Low power / backup power - you can power down most of the other stuff if you're running off batteries, if power goes out, you're good when it comes up again
3) If you're tight on cogs, this doesn't need one
Reasons for just having a cog do it:
1) Cheap and effective, saves on board space
2) You can still use a backup power supply for the Prop chip
The budget on cogs and board space is not going to be a problem for me. It just seemed to make more sense to have a dedicated chip for time keeping functions. Thanks for the input!