Interfacing the Propeller tO a Commodore PC64

Ok Commodore fans. Start thinking about it for the new year. 
Commodore USA announces the PC64, an Atom-powered PC in a replica Commodore case
By Joseph L. Flatley posted Aug 26th 2010 6:47PM
In response to an overwhelming demand from former Commodore users worldwide, Commodore USA's CTO Leo Nigro announced today that their new Commodore PC64 will be available for purchase this holiday season. Featuring an exact replica of the original beige chassis Commodore C64, this new addition to our lineup will include an
Intel Atom 525 CPU with NVIDIA
Ion2 graphics,
4GB DDR3 memory,
1TB Hdd, HDMI,
DVD/CD optical drive (Blu-ray optional),
Dual-link DVI,
Six USB ports,
Integrated 802.11n WiFi,
** Bluetooth
6-in-1 media card reader.

Commodore USA announces the PC64, an Atom-powered PC in a replica Commodore case
By Joseph L. Flatley posted Aug 26th 2010 6:47PM
In response to an overwhelming demand from former Commodore users worldwide, Commodore USA's CTO Leo Nigro announced today that their new Commodore PC64 will be available for purchase this holiday season. Featuring an exact replica of the original beige chassis Commodore C64, this new addition to our lineup will include an
Intel Atom 525 CPU with NVIDIA
Ion2 graphics,
4GB DDR3 memory,
1TB Hdd, HDMI,
DVD/CD optical drive (Blu-ray optional),
Dual-link DVI,
Six USB ports,
Integrated 802.11n WiFi,
** Bluetooth
6-in-1 media card reader.
This is funny... but the truth of it is, if id can't do what the original C64 did, then it's just a name on a custom case, which to me is worthless.
I wonder how we'll Compile and send our Prop apps without having F9, F10, F11 and F12 on the keyboard! would probably have to put a USB keyboard into it! lol
I can't see it being a hit TBH, yeah the C64 is epic, but putting a PC inside the keyboard is just wrong, maybe that's just my thoughts on it.
They will probably sell a couple to die hard fans, but I see commodore failing yet again lol.
Here is the problem.
Users are basically saying there is no hope for the return of the original Amiga Intellectual Property that they have come to know and love and that this new company basically destroyed a lot of their hopes by buying the rights of the name.
Courts sold the Amiga and Amiga IP to two different companies. One was called Eyetech. It went out of business and then it eventually became Amiga (Amiga Delaware). Amigakit owns all of the old stock and they still sell Amigas on the net. On the side, there are these new machines like the Minimig, and different versions of SAM computers which run the Amiga operating system. Another company named AEON came out with the X1000.
Hyperion Entertainment was contracted by Amiga to write an operating system and then it was time to make the final payment and Amiga was either late or didn't make the final payment and Hyperion said,"You don't have a license." It went to court and after spending two years there, the court found in favor of Hyperion granting them rights to the AmigaOS name.
Here you have some company in Florida buying the name to keyboard Amigas. There is a good chance they might be in court over the name because Hyperion won the right to use AmigaOS which is a trademark and here you have some start up company buying the name that Hyperion has the rights to. If Hyperion can't sell the Amiga operating system because some other company has the trademark then Amiga users lose. If Hyperion sues Commodore USA then all of you who bought the Commodore P64 all lose.
Commodore USA Threatens OSNews with Legal Action
Commodore Gets Rights to Amiga, Hyperion Takes Legal Action
These threads could disappear at the hint of legal action. I seem to think that Commodore USA is the old Amiga Inc. which lost in court but there is a possibility that it is just a legal shell company. Based on the reaction, there are a lot of unhappy campers:
Barry Altman and Commodore
C= USA Owns Amiga, Goes AROS¬e=25272
Does anyone else using OS4 feel like A-inc has just stabbed them in the back?
CommodoreUSA != Amiga Inc
AMIGA Name bought by Commodore!
Moderators, since Commodore USA threatened OS News with legal action, they can get mad at you over my post.
Wow, talk about flogging dead horses.
However if they want to grab me with a new product, they need to do something the original Commodore company did. INNOVATE -- Don't put a PC in a c64 breadbox and expect me to jump a throw money at them. Do something completely different, like put an unblobbed C64DTV chip in a new breadbox with some room to add my Propeller mods and now I'll empty my wallet.
Stupid people trying to make a quick buck of of name recognition.
Suppose that we could get enough people to buy the rights to the Commodore name after they trash it again and use it for something real?
R.I.P. Jim Butterfield... It was a pleasure to know you.