Different Propeller Manuals online
This one...
Is different from this one...
Shouldn't just the most current manual be online?
Is different from this one...
Shouldn't just the most current manual be online?
I'm pretty sure that the referring page doesn't mention which manual is being referenced - the old one or new one. This could be the problem pointed out by bill190.
I'll have our web team take a look ASAP. Thanks, Ken
I'm not sure, but I know who to ask in order to receive the information I require as to the lifespan of these documents.
It appears here: http://www.parallax.com/tabid/832/Default.aspx
The older manual remains as well, which does lead me to believe the authors asked for both to exist as a source of reference, perhaps. Whatever the reason I'll figure it out.
However if you stumbled upon the older less-correct document in an area other than what I'll lackadaisically refer to as 'the archive' of Propeller manuals, then we might have an issue. It would be more prudent to only have the most recent version of the download available in that case for sure lest someone be lead astray.
Bump is on the case! I'll respond again once I have a more suitable answer.
Bump is going to be doing it all for most of September - nice job Bump. Our marketing department is usually 3-4 people, but between vacations, maternity and sabbatical leave he's on his own. If he can't get somebody to make a decision then he'll find the right person just by looking in the mirror. Go Bump go!
Favours vs concerns, benefits vs hindrance, and pros vs cons.
(Although the cabinets and infrastructure for said disks are not necessarily so.)\\
John R.