Any suggestions for having the RFID tag create tag streams?
Buck Rogers
Posts: 2,187
I have (re)assembled the demo for the RFID reader. :hop: I've run the demo program as written against the rectangular tag that came with it. And against the four I bought the same time as the USB adapter.
The problem now is to have the program produce the numbers assigned to the tag in question, unformatted. I basically want to see a stream of numbers that each tag is wearing.
Let's say a present the tag numbered 456 to the reader. Then the debug window would show me that number. The key here is that I would want to see the numbers like that.
if tag = 12345 then debug "hello Dave" you could code that.
DEBUG DEC tagNum, ": " , ....>>>>> this line shows tag ID #
' You can try this >>> DEBUG "TAG ID:", STR buf\10, CR <<<<<<
LOOKUP tagNum,
[Name0, Name1, Name2, Name3], idx ' point to first character
READ idx, char ' read character from name
IF (char = 0) THEN EXIT ' if 0, we're done
DEBUG char ' otherwise print it
idx = idx + 1 ' point to next character
And if you want to have each card do something different then use this
ON tagNum GOSUB Routine0, Routine1, Routine2, Routine3
Your code here
And as it happens after a brief delay, when I spent the time working with the stamp on two other things, I have gotten it to respond accordingly.
It was easier to adapt the existing demo program to what I need. I have pin seven on the stamp sending out my data from the tags via the classic serial output routines. :smilewinkgrin:
Ideally making the rest work from that will be the big step. This is taking place with one of the sensors bought earlier.