Lecture notes+video for Hanno's Projects
I've been a bit busy so haven't really posted much- hoping to change that with some video tutorials on how to get the most from PropScope, ViewPort, 12Blocks, and TBot- similar in style to http://www.khanacademy.org/
In the mean time- here's an awesome collection of notes and videos from a presentation I gave in California earlier this year:
Thanks Jef for the write-up!
I've been a bit busy so haven't really posted much- hoping to change that with some video tutorials on how to get the most from PropScope, ViewPort, 12Blocks, and TBot- similar in style to http://www.khanacademy.org/
In the mean time- here's an awesome collection of notes and videos from a presentation I gave in California earlier this year:
Thanks Jef for the write-up!
YES!!! Please make some demo videos for both Viewport and the PROPSCOPE. I use viewport the most and know it can do much more than I am using for (plotting variables). I picked up the prop scope at UPEC and used it once or twice but not having a lot of experience with scopes, some good tutorials would be very helpful.
Nick (the Gadget Gangster) has been busy making videos of his experiences with 12Blocks see here for his review: http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?t=125550
and here for his "first look": http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?t=125468
More videos for ViewPort and PropScope coming soon- here some old ones to keep you going:
In case you missed this big news late last week, Ytinstant lets you just type in a few letters in order to start watching something relevant...
This is addictive and is going to have a big impact. Unfortunately "12blocks" comes up with basketball, but "p8x32a" works... but we can fix that
So any video tutorials / demos - yes please.
- space shuttle launches
- jets taking off
- thousands of educational videos- see also http://khanacademy.org
I've also got them hooked on music videos from the 80's!
That Khan academy is quite a site. I had a look after you mentioned it somewhere else, and am very impressed. I note they even have lectures on bailout economics.
Regarding YTinstant, the story of the guy who invented it as a bet with a mate, went to sleep and woke up to all sorts of media (and job) offers, makes for good reading - http://www.feross.org/youtube-instant-media-frenzy/
Hope the tremors have settled down