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Code not working - new Cog

guili_23guili_23 Posts: 11
edited 2010-08-31 19:25 in Propeller 1

i was wondering if someone can help with this:
PUB Floppy_Giro_Ini
  Cog := (cognew(Floppy_Giro, @Stack) + 1)

PUB Floppy_Giro | Contador,Time_aux

  if Cog > 0
      Time_aux := cnt + clkfreq
      Contador := 0
        Contador := Contador + 1
      while Time_aux - cnt > 0

      if 3 < Contador < 7

With Floppy_Giro_Ini I call a new Cog. This new Cog calls to Floppy_Giro.
Floppy_Giro has to Count between 3 and 7 times the variation of an input signal (Port one) in one second (and Toggle a led) and repeat the process. This Cog is supposed to do this all the time.
But it is not working.

Anyone ?

Thanks in advance


  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2010-08-30 21:25
    You need to define pin LED4 as an output (dira[LED4] := 1). This must happen in the context of the cog driving the LED (each cog has its own set of dira/outa registers). So putting it in the first line of the Floppy_Giro method should do the trick.

    There may be other (timing related) issues.

    As for counting edges, you'd be better off using an edge counter. Reset it (to 0), wait a second, read the result. The way it's now waitpeq may block for an arbitrary amount of time (> 1 sec) if its condition isn't met.

    Also, the expression 3 < Contador < 7 will always evaluate to TRUE. First 3 < Contador is evaluated which is either 0 (FALSE) or -1 (TRUE) both of which are less than 7. So you should use something like
    if (3 < Contador) and (Contador < 7)

    A working example. It generates a square wave signal on pin 1 (scan_pin), the parameter to input() is the frequency in Hz. This is only for testing purposes as I don't have an external pulse generator. The second cog runs function catch which intialises a counter to simplify counting of negative edges. Then it sits there and updates LED4 every second.
      scan_pin = 1
      LED4     = 16
      long  stack[40]
    PUB null
      cognew(input(5), @stack[0])                           ' start generator (fake)
      cognew(catch, @stack[20])                             ' start pulse counter
    PRI input(pulsecount) : delay
      dira[scan_pin]~~                                      ' set pin to output
      delay := clkfreq/pulsecount/2                         ' delay between edges
        !outa[scan_pin]                                     ' toggle pin
        waitcnt(delay + cnt)                                ' pulse delay
    PRI catch : count
      dira[LED4]~~                                          ' set LED pin to output
      ctra := constant(%0_01110_000 << 23 | scan_pin)       ' NEGEDGE
      frqa := 1                                             ' +1 for each HL edge
        phsa~                                               ' clear accumulator
        waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)                              ' wait a second
        count := phsa                                       ' get edge count
        if 3 < count and count < 7                          ' | toggle LED if
          !outa[LED4]                                       ' | between 3 and 7
    DAT             org     0                               ' pin validation
                    res     (scan_pin|LED4) >> 5 <# 1
                    fit     0
  • guili_23guili_23 Posts: 11
    edited 2010-08-31 19:25

    thank you very much for your help !!!
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