Hi All,
Last night, I finally had a little bit of spare time for Propping, as I've been very busy of late, anyway, I was watching the UPENE stream, and whilst doing so, had some time to have a play on the prop
I didn't have enough time to sort out PropGFX-Lite-Lite, but I thought I'd do something else that would also help the community, and that was to integrate TV.spin into PropBASIC, without a loader, I will eventually convert it all to be PropBASIC, but for now I wanted to get a TV driver over to PropBASIC, I will also do my Spectrum TV driver, and the 16 colour bitmap driver, and hopefully Potatohead's potatotext ( with his blessing obviously ) I would then convert the TV.spin driver to the PropBASIC language, for nicer integration.
It doesn't have TV_Text included, but it has a simple TV_PrintAt, TV_Print and TV_Char function.
Anyway, here it is.
Last night, I finally had a little bit of spare time for Propping, as I've been very busy of late, anyway, I was watching the UPENE stream, and whilst doing so, had some time to have a play on the prop

I didn't have enough time to sort out PropGFX-Lite-Lite, but I thought I'd do something else that would also help the community, and that was to integrate TV.spin into PropBASIC, without a loader, I will eventually convert it all to be PropBASIC, but for now I wanted to get a TV driver over to PropBASIC, I will also do my Spectrum TV driver, and the 16 colour bitmap driver, and hopefully Potatohead's potatotext ( with his blessing obviously ) I would then convert the TV.spin driver to the PropBASIC language, for nicer integration.
It doesn't have TV_Text included, but it has a simple TV_PrintAt, TV_Print and TV_Char function.
Anyway, here it is.
Now that we have this one in the bag the others will follow quickly, in fact I already have your half height text driver working
Attached is a quick 40*25 Text demo
Of course! Do whatever you want with Potatotext. (Pal still in progress...)
I've kept all the same control codes in and remained as faithful to the original as possible.
It's still a work in progress as I still have some commenting to do but hopefully it will provide some inspiration to others to use this great compiler.
Got another one for you to play with then
This one is the 16 colour bitmap display.
You will now also see the pure speed of PropBASIC, it shows the screen that it loaded with, for a few seconds, giving the TV time to sync, then, it fills the screen using a plot command, in for next loops from top left, to top right, to bottom right to bottom left, to top left, then goes in a bit, until it fills the screen, then repeats in all 16 colours indefinitely, and it's QUICK!
I'll start adding some more routines, like sprites etc.
All of the functions from the original TV_Text are now implemented.
T o n y
It was really neat watching these guys Saturday, "chatting" back and forth on the UPENE stream, and making progress "on the spot". We even had Bean in on the action from the Expo.
This "remote presence" stuff was really neat!
John R.
Thanks to all involved!
Are there others using this? is it worth me trudging through the many other video modes, to convert them to run in PropBASIC? will there be enough people wanting to use them?
It is better to wait on Potatotext, unless it's not hard. That one is going to get some better PAL support, and that means a rework of the TV COG.