Nokia Knockoff LCD (New)
Buck Rogers
Posts: 2,187
In this code example for Sparkfun's Nokia display:
I also have a BS2 on order as it were. The program code I obtained directly from the page for the display w/o the breakout board, here
All it says there is naturally BS2. I might also mention that the people at the firm confirm that it is rather difficult to make the display work.
However there were some successful ones using different platforms who're leaning towards Linux according to the above mentioned site.
Anyway any hints would be most appreciated, as I have an application almost ready for the device.
In this code example for Sparkfun's Nokia display:
' {$STAMP BS2p} Change for your Stamp Type, recommend one of the faster stamps. ' {$PBASIC 2.5} Black CON 0 White CON 255 Blue CON 3 Green CON 28 Red CON 224 Cyan CON Blue + Green Yellow CON Green + Red Magenta CON Blue + Red Reset PIN 3 ' Connect ALL pins with 10K resistors SData PIN 2 SClock PIN 1 CS PIN 0 dat VAR Byte ctr VAR Word ' Used in InitLCD & Clear subroutines x VAR Byte ' X-Coordinate (0 to 129) y VAR Byte ' Y-Coordinate (0 to 129) color VAR Byte ' Color to plot Start: GOSUB InitLCD color = Black : GOSUB Clear FOR x = 0 TO 129 y = ((SIN (x * 2)) + 128) / 2 color = Blue GOSUB Plot y = ((SIN (x * 2 + 128)) + 128) / 2 color = Green GOSUB Plot y = ((COS (x * 2)) + 128) / 2 color = Red GOSUB Plot y = ((COS (x * 2 + 128)) + 128) / 2 color = Yellow GOSUB Plot NEXT END SendCommand: SHIFTOUT SData, SClock, MSBFIRST, [0\1, dat\8] RETURN SendData: SHIFTOUT SData, SClock, MSBFIRST, [255\1, dat\8] RETURN InitLCD: HIGH CS PAUSE 10 HIGH SClock LOW SData LOW Reset PAUSE 1 Reset = 1 PAUSE 20 CS = 0 dat = $CA : GOSUB SendCommand dat = $03 : GOSUB SendData dat = 32 : GOSUB SendData dat = 12 : GOSUB SendData dat = $00 : GOSUB SendData dat = $BB : GOSUB SendCommand dat = $01 : GOSUB SendData dat = $D1: GOSUB SendCommand dat = $94 : GOSUB SendCommand dat = $81 : GOSUB SendCommand dat = 5 : GOSUB SendData dat = $01 : GOSUB SendData dat = $20 : GOSUB SendCommand dat = $0F : GOSUB SendData PAUSE 100 dat = $A7: GOSUB SendCommand dat = $BC : GOSUB SendCommand dat = $00 : GOSUB SendData dat = 0 : GOSUB SendData dat = $01 : GOSUB SendData dat = $00 : GOSUB SendData dat = $CE : GOSUB SendCommand dat = 0 : GOSUB SendData dat = 2 : GOSUB SendData dat = 4 : GOSUB SendData dat = 6 : GOSUB SendData dat = 8 : GOSUB SendData dat = 10 : GOSUB SendData dat = 12: GOSUB SendData dat = 15 : GOSUB SendData dat = 0 : GOSUB SendData dat = 2 : GOSUB SendData dat = 4 : GOSUB SendData dat = 6 : GOSUB SendData dat = 8 : GOSUB SendData dat = 10 : GOSUB SendData dat = 12 : GOSUB SendData dat = 15 : GOSUB SendData dat = 0 : GOSUB SendData dat = 5 : GOSUB SendData dat = 10 : GOSUB SendData dat = 15 : GOSUB SendData dat = $25 : GOSUB SendCommand dat = $AF : GOSUB SendCommand PAUSE 200 FOR ctr = 0 TO 130 dat = $D6 : GOSUB SendCommand NEXT RETURN Plot: dat = $75 : GOSUB SendCommand dat = y + 2: GOSUB SendData dat = 131 : GOSUB SendData dat = $15 : GOSUB SendCommand dat = x : GOSUB SendData dat = 129 : GOSUB SendData dat = $5C : GOSUB SendCommand dat = color : GOSUB SendData RETURN Clear: x = 0 : y = 0: GOSUB Plot FOR ctr = 1 TO 16899 SHIFTOUT SData, SClock, MSBFIRST, [255\1, dat\8] NEXT RETURNMr Hitt, (Bean), there you describe the thing talking to the device, it does not explain if it is the breakout board for the display. Or just the display. I have the breakout board naturally.
I also have a BS2 on order as it were. The program code I obtained directly from the page for the display w/o the breakout board, here
All it says there is naturally BS2. I might also mention that the people at the firm confirm that it is rather difficult to make the display work.
However there were some successful ones using different platforms who're leaning towards Linux according to the above mentioned site.
Anyway any hints would be most appreciated, as I have an application almost ready for the device.