Correct way to share data between cogs
I've been studying the reference manual and I am trying to determine how cogs can share data. It seems to me that passing the address to a method running in a separate cog is one way.
Is it the best and/or only way?
Is it the best and/or only way?
VAR long stack[10] long cval OBJ Debug : "Extended_FDSerial.spin" PUB LaunchCogs | cognum Debug.start(31, 30, 0, 57600) ' ignore tx echo on rx waitcnt(clkfreq * 3 + cnt) ' Pause for FullDuplexSerial.spin to initialize Debug.tx(16) 'cls cognum := cognew(Sensor([COLOR=red]@cval[/COLOR]), @stack) repeat 50 Debug.Dec(cval) Debug.tx(13) waitcnt(clkfreq / 2 + cnt) PUB Sensor([COLOR=red]cvaladdr[/COLOR]) | sval sval := 0 repeat 100 sval++ LONG[[COLOR=red]cvaladdr[/COLOR]] := sval waitcnt(clkfreq/2 + cnt)
What if the second cog is in another object?
This way you only have to pass one pointer.
I had a version using multiple cogs and an array where I was using the cogid to index into the array.
I am creating various examples for future reference...
Thanks again.
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