Welcome to the Parallax Classifieds!
This is a place to post your items to trade, sell, or give away. DO NOT post unrelated items such as cars or sports equipment! The products must be directly related to Parallax products, such as: development boards, robots, motors, sensors and other embedded tools. You may post links to websites like Woot or Ebay IF the product on those websites is directly related. If someone is interested in your products, please continue your discussion in a Private Message. Parallax is not responsible for the transaction between two parties selling/trading/or giving away something, this is merely a place to post an item and see if anyone is interested in the product.
To help sell your products, include pictures, the price, and how the interested parties should make contact with the seller.
Treat this section like a newspaper classified section- Parallax has no part in the actual sale/trade/or giveaway of any of the posted items!
To help sell your products, include pictures, the price, and how the interested parties should make contact with the seller.
Treat this section like a newspaper classified section- Parallax has no part in the actual sale/trade/or giveaway of any of the posted items!
1. List the reason for the thread in the thread title. WANTED: item; FOR SALE: item; FREE: item; etc.
2. When an item is gone, can the thread be completely deleted? Not just edited "GONE"?
Otherwise this forum may become a mess; I've seen it happen on other free/exchange sites that so much junk builds up that trying to find good entries gets to be just too much trouble.
There very much needs to be a way for the thread starter to either delete the thread or change the thread title as it appears in the forum listing!
I could not agree more this is need very badly
Mark, we will try to do both of those things. Unfortunately for Parallax we had to let her go to the university where she had been accepted. She'll be back!
I wonder what other bright and new ideas she'll return with? She seems like a clever kid. Better hire her if you can (no, I don't know her. I'm on the East coast.)