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which boardto buy for te prop one is $161 — Parallax Forums

which boardto buy for te prop one is $161

whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
edited 2010-09-02 00:59 in Propeller 1
Looking to et frther into electonics. One board is $161 the other is $80.

I have made a few circuites using picakebut not sure if i should tackle the $161 board,thouh i am sure it is better.

Any thouhts please ?


  • HollyMinkowskiHollyMinkowski Posts: 1,398
    edited 2010-08-24 00:01
    Are you talking about the propeller professional Dev board
    and the smaller demo board?

    I think perhaps you would do well with The Propeller Education (PE) Kit
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2010-08-24 00:11
    whiteoxe, You didn't mention the name of the boards.

    The Demo board is a good starting point for learning to use and program the Propeller. I'd suggest spending an extra $20 for the Starter Kit with a printed manual and free extra book. Both books are great. An electronic version of the manual available free to download and is included with the Propeller Tool (free)


    Holly posted while I was writting this. I personally like the Demo board better as an intro to the Prop but the PE kit is less expensive.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2010-08-24 08:29
    One nice thing about the PE kit is you can build up the different interfaces. The downside is having to do that to write programs.

    The demo board is a nice to have. If you get some xtals for it, 5, 6, 6.25 Mhz, you've got all the common clocks. A whole lot of code targets the demo board, meaning you can just run stuff. Adding a SD card is easy, because it fits on the little breadboard included.

    If dollars are a priority, then you simply need to sort out where you want to start. If in doubt about building up stuff, get the demo board, because you can do a lot with it, and it's a nice size.

    If building stuff up is no problem, the PE kit is a great deal, and I would also recommend a proto board. Use the PE kit to build up the various interfaces you want, then take a proto board, and solder them together, forming "your" ideal board to go forward with.
  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2010-08-24 13:36
    I have made a copleofsimple circuits usun the prop,I find the proplanuae not too difficult.
    I was thinkin of buying the propkit item 32305

    2.prorammin the prop item 32316

    3. professional dev board

    4. propdev board item 32100

    Do you think this order wold be sfficient. I dont really want to go back to all the starter kits mostly because they se basic I think?

    A penny for your thoughts ,)
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2010-08-24 13:48
    whiteoxe wrote: »
    I have made a copleofsimple circuits usun the prop,I find the proplanuae not too difficult.
    I was thinkin of buying the propkit item 32305

    2.prorammin the prop item 32316

    3. professional dev board

    4. propdev board item 32100

    Do you think this order wold be sfficient. I dont really want to go back to all the starter kits mostly because they se basic I think?

    A penny for your thoughts ,)
    Is this celfone language? Each board has its own purpose. The Demo board is very good - around 16 pins, 8 on LEDs, the others free, with a nice breadboard. The next in step is the Proto Board - it's really great for soldering your projects together. The PE Kit is fantastic, like plug n play with a big solderless breadboard. The Pro Dev Board is the ultimate in resources readily available for the prop. If you can afford it, get one of each. There are other boards too, with some advantages, so shop at the Parallax store.

  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2010-08-24 14:23

    You didn't include an item number for the Professional Development Board. There are two. Item 32111 has a place to plug in a 40 pin DIP Propeller chip (not included). So if you get one make sure you also puchase at least one DIP Prop. Item 32305 comes with a DIP Prop so you'll be okay with it.

    The other Professional Development Board item 28138 does not have a socket for a Prop. You could still plug one into the bread board section but I'd recommend the Propeller PDB if you what to use a Prop.

    Item 32100 is great but I still think you'd be much better off getting item 910-32300 . The included books are well worth the extra $20.

    As Humanoido mentions, proto boards are also great. I have lots I use all the time.

  • Kevin WoodKevin Wood Posts: 1,266
    edited 2010-08-24 15:50
    Duane Degn wrote:
    Item 32100 is great but I still think you'd be much better off getting item 910-32300 .

    The demo board (32100) was just on sale a few days ago. There has been a lot of Propeller stuff on sale for the daily deals lately, but I haven't seen the 910-32300 kit yet, so it may be coming up soon. It has been on sale in the past for $20 less than normal.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2010-08-24 16:06
    Yeah, the Demo Board was on sale a week before last Friday. I remember because I debated the whole weekend about buying one or two more.

    I have one which I use a lot when it's not loaned out. I think the Propeller is so cool, I've tried to get others interested by lending my Demo Board and the Propeller books I own. I thought it would be nice to have a couple of extra Demo Boards for my own use and as part of my lending library. I decided against it. Good thing since the Hydra went on sale a week later and I could use the money I "saved" not buying Demo Boards on the Hydra. It's nice to remember I have said "no" to a Propeller board on sale.

    I have lots of Proto Boards to lend so I still hope to make some converts to the Propeller hobby.

  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2010-09-02 00:38
    Are you talking about the propeller professional Dev board
    and the smaller demo board?

    I think perhaps you would do well with The Propeller Education (PE) Kit

    I was realy keenon getting the huge breadboard but i yjought it may be too much at this polnt!

    Thanks for the kit suggeston , i was abot to order it from didtibutor in nre south wales !
  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2010-09-02 00:47
    Kevin Wood wrote: »
    The demo board (32100) was just on sale a few days ago. There has been a lot of Propeller stuff on sale for the daily deals lately, but I haven't seen the 910-32300 kit yet, so it may be coming up soon. It has been on sale in the past for $20 less than normal.
    thaqnks for those tips about the board. I purchased tjr smmekest board at the oyjer was VERY large complrtd withall kinds of electronics.

    When I am better st all thid i will otrder yjr large bread board
  • whiteoxewhiteoxe Posts: 794
    edited 2010-09-02 00:59
    thank you all for you jrlp over yhr lsdt year.

    Can I buy development boards from snothrer supplier to rduce my cost ?

    Thabk you for lifting to mr

    Mike Lynch
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