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FM Receiver? — Parallax Forums

FM Receiver?

jmspaggijmspaggi Posts: 629
edited 2010-10-02 17:39 in Propeller 1
Hi all,

Is there any FM receiver we can connect to the propeller?

I'm building a OGG player for my car, and if I can add an FM received, I will be able to get rid of my existing sound-system...




  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-08-23 18:48
  • jmspaggijmspaggi Posts: 629
    edited 2010-08-24 09:23


    Thanks folks.

    I will probably go with the one at SparkFun

    I'm adding so much features on my projects that I will maybe never finish it ;)

  • jmspaggijmspaggi Posts: 629
    edited 2010-10-01 13:58
    Hi all,

    I finally received the WRL-08972 with the AR-1010 (

    The example they have on the page is for Atmega. So I'm wondering if someone understand list language and can translate that to spin?

    I took a look into the code, and it seems to be talking to the AR-1010 with I2C.

    So can I "simply" use an IC2 object to talk to it, like ?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2010-10-01 14:13
    You can "simply" use the Basic_I2C_Driver. You might look at i2cObjectv2 which uses the code from Basic_I2C_Driver to access a variety of I2C devices.

    In the documentation for the FM receiver, there should be a description of the format of the information to be sent to/from the receiver. You should be able to use the routines in i2cObjectv2 as a model for your receiver since the receiver behaves somewhat like a small memory with a set of memory locations (control registers) that get set and read to control the receiver and many other I2C devices behave the same way.
  • jmspaggijmspaggi Posts: 629
    edited 2010-10-01 18:22
    It works!!!

    It took me some time, but it's working now ;)

    Thanks a lot! I modified i2cDemoApp to add AR1010 demo like this:
    PRI AR1010_Demo | tempvar,ackbit
        ' DEMO AR1010 FM receiver
        debug.strln(String("AR1010 Demo..."))
        ' wait tick or two
        i2cObject.WriteByte(i2cSCL, AR1010Addr, $20, $13)
        tempvar := i2cObject.readWord(i2cSCL, AR1010Addr, $21)
        debug.str(string("Status is %"))
        debug.bin (tempvar,8)

    Output should be:
    AR1010 Present       
    AR1010 Demo...       
    Status is %00100000  

    Where %00100000 mean "Seek/Tune complete flag, '1'=Complete, '0'=Incomplete"

    The documentation is awful! Missing many important information.

    Anyway, thanks a lot! I now have to try to get more than just the status ;)

  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-10-01 18:25
  • jmspaggijmspaggi Posts: 629
    edited 2010-10-01 19:33
    jazzed wrote: »

    Forget it, it's not working at all ;)

    It's just a change that this bit is at 1.

    I'm not using i2cObject the right way. Also, $20 is AR1010Addr. So I should not send it twice ;)

    Look like should use readLocation, but I'm not able to get that working too.

    So I'm still try... Also spent 4h on that with no success. But I will win! ;)

  • jmspaggijmspaggi Posts: 629
    edited 2010-10-01 21:03
    Ok. Still not working.

    Looks like I will need some help.

    i2c scan is able to find my component at the right address.

    The challenge I'm facing is that Basic_I2C_Driver is talking bytes but I need words.

    Here is the C code for it :
    //Reads a memory register from the AR1000
    uint16_t ar1000_read(uint8_t address_to_read)
    	char byte1 = 0, byte2 = 0;
    	char ack;
    	i2c_SendStart(); //Send start condition 
    	ack = i2c_SendByte(AR1000_W);	 //Send slave device address with write
    	ack &= i2c_SendByte(address_to_read);	//Send address to read
    	if(ack == 0)
    		#ifdef I2CDEBUG
    			printf("!"); //No ACK!
    		goto AGAIN;
    	i2c_SendStart(); //Send start condition 
    	i2c_SendByte(AR1000_R);	 //Ask device to read the value at the requested address
    	if(inb(TWSR) == TW_MR_SLA_ACK)
    		byte1 = i2c_ReceiveByte(TRUE);
    		byte2 = i2c_ReceiveByte(TRUE);
    		// device did not ACK it's address,
    		// data will not be transferred
    		// return error
    		//retval = I2C_ERROR_NODEV;
    		printf("\n\tAck failed!");
    	//Combine two bytes into one 16-bit word
    	int16_t temp = byte1 << 8;	
    	temp |= byte2;

    It's very close to the readLocation method expect that we are ready only one byte. So I modified it that way:
    PUB readLocation(SCL,device_address, register) : value | temp1, temp2
      write(SCL,device_address | 0)
      write(SCL,device_address | 1)  
      temp1 := read(SCL,ACK)
      temp2 := read(SCL,ACK)
      value := temp1 << 8
      value |= temp2
      return value

    I checked the device_address and it's equal to AR1000_W. Also, AR1000_R is device_address | 1.

    So those 2 pieces of code are very close.

    However, when I run this spin code:
      repeat 20
        tempvar := i2cObject.readLocation (i2cSCL, AR1010Addr, 0)
        debug.str(string("Status for 0 is %"))
        debug.bin (tempvar,16)

    It never returns the same value :(

    Ok, for a random generator, it's probably a good one ;) But not at all what I'm looking for for now.

    So. What's wrong? Is that correct to try to read 2 bytes from the i2c channel?

    If I loop 40 times, I can see that after 29, it's starting back to 0. Since the AR1010 only have 29 registers, that looks normal. That mean write(SCL,register) is not moving to the register I need? And then I'm reading all of them 1 by 1?

    Last thing, in the documentation, I have a 2-wires vs 3-wires options using BUSEN pin. I have configured it for 2-wires. Correct?

    Thanks for who will be able to help me...

  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-10-02 08:14
    jmspaggi wrote: »
    The challenge I'm facing is that Basic_I2C_Driver is talking bytes but I need words.
    Try this:

    It has wrapper methods for word access.
  • GameHackerGameHacker Posts: 15
    edited 2010-10-02 17:03
    OR, you could try the Airoha AR1010 driver & demo that is already posted in the OBEX...
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2010-10-02 17:08
    GameHacker wrote: »
    OR, you could try the Airoha AR1010 driver & demo that is already posted in the OBEX...

    Very nice :)
  • jmspaggijmspaggi Posts: 629
    edited 2010-10-02 17:39

    I spent so many hours on the last few days!

    I did not even tought about searching AR1010 on OBEX!!!!!


    So.... It's working A1!

    There is few features that still need to be defined (Like Seek Forward, Seek Backward, etc.) but now I have a really good base to work with!

    Thanks a lot to all of you for your help!

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