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ExpressPCB schematic components — Parallax Forums

ExpressPCB schematic components

w4fejw4fej Posts: 264
edited 2010-08-24 18:06 in Propeller 1
Being a newbie here I can't offer much help at this point but I can offer something I just created for ExpressPCB schematic drawing program, some custom components that I couldn't find in the default lib.

They are:
DS1302, DS1307, MAX3232, MCP3204, MCP3208 SN74HC165, SN74HC595.

Let me know if I made any errors. I built the parts from the actual mfr datasheets and double checked them so they should be good to go.

If there are other parts folks would liked "built" I would be glad to do it and add to this archive.

Mike B.


  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,008
    edited 2010-08-22 18:59
    I think what we need is a "custom library" for all the Propeller related parts for ExpressPCB...

    I download an ExpressPCB library off the internet a while ago that had a lot of parts, but not really the ones we use a lot here...

    I think a couple other people have posted their parts in the old forum. I've also posted schematics and layouts on my website with some components. Maybe one day, some nice person could collect them all into one massive library file...
  • w4fejw4fej Posts: 264
    edited 2010-08-24 16:38
    Well Ray I would be willing to do just that if someone can gather the links for me or at least a list of the "desired" parts.
    Mike B.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,008
    edited 2010-08-24 18:06
    Well, I have a few ExpressPCB files here:

    I think you can pull components from some of them.

    Somebody has posted a little library in the past. But, whether this new forum search can find them and if the attachements would still work is an open question...
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